ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 219


Dr. Caroline Crocker on Academic Freedom and Dissent From Darwinism

On this episode of ID the Future Casey Luskin reports from Baton Rouge, LA with Dr. Caroline Crocker, who recently testified in favor of academic freedom before the House Education Committee.

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Intelligent Design: The Videogame (Updated)

Update, May 22, 2008: This audio file removed at the request of Amaze Entertainment.

This time on ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down to talk with videogame artist Dennis DeMercer about his recent work on the Nintendo DS version of the forthcoming game Spore. Working with Amaze Entertainment, DeMercer was responsible for animating 3-D creatures ranging from single-celled organisms to advanced intergalactic civilizations in a game that centers around players evolving creatures from one species into another in order to climb the evolutionary ladder.

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Teaching Kids the Controversy

On this episode of ID the Future we interview Dr. Rebecca Keller, who discusses the nature of science and interpretation and how it applies to science education.

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Challenge Assumptions: Revisiting an Interview With Dr. Keller

In this ID the Future Podcast, Casey Luskin interviews Dr. Rebecca Keller, a signer of the Dissent from Darwinism list, about her views on biological evolution. Dr. Keller holds a Ph.D. in Biophysical Chemistry from the University of New Mexico, spent many years doing biochemical research on molecular machines, and is an outspoken proponent of teaching students about both the scientific strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian evolution. She is also the CEO of Gravitas Publications, which publishes the Real Science for Kids textbook series, providing textbooks that teach kids objective science in the core disciplines of science.


10 Books That Screwed Up the World: Part 2

On this episode of ID the Future, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Benjamin Wiker continues the discussion begun in the last podcast. Continuing through his survey of his new book, 10 Books That Screwed Up the World: And 5 Others That Didn’t Help, Dr. Wiker sets his sights on Charles Darwin’s The Descent of Man and its clear connections to the ideologies of Friedrich Nietzsche, Adolf Hitler, and Margaret Sanger. Spotlighting Darwin’s own words in context, Wiker demonstrates how the reprehensible philosophies of these three figures were the direct descendants of Darwin’s own thoughts.


10 Books That Screwed up the World: Part 1 

On this episode of ID the Future, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Dr. Benjamin Wiker discusses his new book, 10 Books That Screwed Up the World: And 5 Others That Didn’t Help. In this first of a two-part series, Wiker starts his skim through the book’s list of the ten philosophical works most responsible for cultural decay. Those on the docket today are Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the two philosophers, according to Wiker, whose irresponsible inversions of morality have served as the foundation for our culture’s increasingly animalistic notions of human identity, purpose, and relationship.


Science Lab Explores New Intelligent Design Research

On this Episode of ID the Future, Anika Smith reports on the CSC-supported, independent research facility, Biologic Institute. Headed by Dr. Douglas Axe, Biologic’s purpose is to scientifically put the claims of Neo-Darwinian evolution and intelligent design to the test in a laboratory setting. Work is already well under way, with Discovery Institute Fellows conducting biological studies to test each theory’s assumptions from an unapologetically ID frame of reference. This should prove to be a huge addition to the cause of intelligent design.


Academic Freedom Bills Spread

On this episode of ID The Future, Anika Smith reports on the nationwide movement in support of academic freedom with updates on legislation currently being considered in five U.S. states that will allow teachers room to teach the controversy surrounding evolutionary theory.

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Question Darwin and Face the Consequences

What happens when a professor decides to present students with evidence that challenges Darwin’s theory? Find out on this episode of ID the Future, where we’ve highlighted comments from biochemist Nancy Bryson, a professor who knows firsthand the importance of academic freedom on college campuses.

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Be a Real Skeptic: Casey Luskin Rebuts Michael Shermer

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin responds systematically to Michael Shermer’s recent critique of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Shermer, founder of The Skeptic Society and editor of Skeptic magazine, denies the film’s claims that scientists Richard Sternberg and Guillermo Gonzalez were unfairly persecuted for their support of intelligent design. After a careful review of the documented facts, Luskin proves the accuracy of the film and concludes that Shermer ought to try truly being a skeptic by doubting and investigating all parties equally.

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