ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 228


What is Falsifiability and Can ID Be Falsified? Dr. Jay Richards Answers

CSC’s Logan Gage interviews senior fellow Jay Richards about how philosophers of science use demarcation criteria to determine what is or isn’t science. One of the most commonly referred to demarcation points is falsifiability. Many scientists see the question of falsifiability as the gold standard in determining whether something is science or not. Richards defines what falsifiability is, why it’s important and answers whether or not intelligent design can be falsified and is therefore scientific. About Jay RichardsJay Wesley Richards has a Ph.D.(honors) in philosophy and theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was a Teaching Fellow. He is presently a Research Fellow and Director of Media at the Acton Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Richards has been published in academic journals including Religious Studies, Christian Scholars’ Review, and The Princeton Theological Review, and has written editorial features in The Washington Post, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and Richards co-authored The Privileged Planet with astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez.


Arguing Analogies: Dr. Jay Richards on Paley’s Natural Theology

In this edition of ID The Future, CSC’s Logan Gage interviews Dr. Jay Richards about William Paley, David Hume, and the arguments for intelligent design. Dr. Richards begins with a description of William Paley’s 1802 book Natural Theology, in which the author infers from the natural world that there must be some intelligent force (God) responsible for its design. Richards then addresses David Hume’s critique of analogical arguments like those used by Paley. Dr. Richards closes by differentiating between analogical arguments and arguments for intelligent design.

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Blasting Biases: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

Today ID The Future presents another excerpt from Jonathan Rosenblum’s “Is Darwinism Kosher?” lecture, delivered at the Discovery Institute on July 26th. In this segment, Rosenblum discusses the ideological biases that permeate the work of many scientists today, and examines their deleterious effects. By embracing neo-Darwinism as the reservoir of knowledge about all things, Rosenblum explains, scientists seek to neutralize any inherent value in human life and quash alternative viewpoints that might contribute to scientific progress.

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Keeping Kosher: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

ID The Future continues to feature Jerusalem Post columnist Jonathan Rosenblum, who recently spoke at the Discovery Institute about the relationship between Darwinism, Judaism, and Christianity. In this excerpt from his “Is Darwinism Kosher?” lecture, Rosenblum delves into the Orthodox reaction to Darwinism, then explicates why Judaism and Darwinism are ultimately incompatible.

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Deniable Darwin: Jonathan Rosenblum at the Discovery Institute

ID The Future is pleased to feature Jerusalem Post columnist Jonathan Rosenblum, who spoke on July 26th at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. Rosenblum’s lecture, entitled “Is Darwinism Kosher?” investigated the historical and ongoing interplay between Darwinism, Judaism and Christianity. Today’s podcast is an excerpt from Rosenblum’s lecture in which he criticizes Darwinism’s inability to explain the origin of life on the planet, and details other problems with Darwinian theory.

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Information Theory: George Gilder at Bar-Ilan University

Today ID The Future highlights George Gilder’s June 12th address to Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Gilder, who is a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute, spoke about the development of technology and its relationship to science. In this excerpt from his speech, Gilder discusses information theory and its implications for biology, Darwinism, and intelligent design.


Classroom Conundrum: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Six)

Today ID The Future concludes its six-part series with Dr. Lyle Jensen. In this interview Dr. Jensen explains why schools should present arguments for and against Darwinian evolution. He also talks about his efforts to promote this stance with the Ohio State Board of Education and at Iowa State University, where Guillermo Gonzalez’s tenure denial appeal is underway.

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Case Closed: Guillermo Dekat Reviews Science’s Blind Spot

In today’s episode of ID The Future, CSC legal intern Guillermo Dekat reviews Cornelius G. Hunter’s new book Science’s Blind Spot. In law, Dekat explains, people harmed by a product are entitled to damages if they can prove the product is defective. If dogmatic science is a product under investigation, he continues, then Hunter’s work in Blind Spot proves its defects. Dekat charts Hunter’s arguments about science’s “theological naturalism,” and provides an overview of the other points made by the author.


Socratic Method: Short Stories and James Hoskins

Today on ID The Future, Casey Luskin interviews James Hoskins about his latest creative writing endeavors. Hoskins, a philosophy major at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, has written several pieces based on the debate between ID and Darwinian evolution, including one that pits Socrates and imaginary materialist Hector Dawkins against each other as they argue over the scientific merit of ID. Hoskins also reads excerpts from some of his stories, and describes the inspiration behind them. Hoskins’s work, including his Debate Between Socrates and Hector Dawkins, can be downloaded from ID Arts.


Darwin Doubter: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Five)

This is the fifth installment in a six-part interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen. Today on ID The Future, Jensen explains his doubts about Darwinian evolution, citing everything from X-ray crystallography and fossils to blood clots and academic brainwashing. He also enunciates his fears that commitment to Darwinian dogma is impeding advances in scientific discovery.

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