ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 229


Socratic Method: Short Stories and James Hoskins

Today on ID The Future, Casey Luskin interviews James Hoskins about his latest creative writing endeavors. Hoskins, a philosophy major at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, has written several pieces based on the debate between ID and Darwinian evolution, including one that pits Socrates and imaginary materialist Hector Dawkins against each other as they argue over the scientific merit of ID. Hoskins also reads excerpts from some of his stories, and describes the inspiration behind them. Hoskins’s work, including his Debate Between Socrates and Hector Dawkins, can be downloaded from ID Arts.


Darwin Doubter: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Five)

This is the fifth installment in a six-part interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen. Today on ID The Future, Jensen explains his doubts about Darwinian evolution, citing everything from X-ray crystallography and fossils to blood clots and academic brainwashing. He also enunciates his fears that commitment to Darwinian dogma is impeding advances in scientific discovery.

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Well-Informed: Dr. Robert Marks and the Evolutionary Informatics Lab

In today’s episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin interviews Dr. Robert Marks about his work in evolutionary informatics at Baylor University. Marks explains that evolutionary informatics seeks to emulate evolution on a computer, allowing for new engineering designs to be developed. Unlike Darwinian evolution, this process does not advance gradually, and requires a certain amount of external information to be fed into the computer before the process can begin; in other words, the systems must be designed before the evolution can begin. This contrast fueled Marks’ interest in intelligent design, and has led him to critically analyze a number of evolutionary computer programs that claim to prove Darwin’s theories.

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Seeing Spots: Dr. Cornelius Hunter and Science’s Blind Spot

On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin speaks with biophysicist and author Cornelius Hunter about naturalism, the dogma of evolution, and his new book Science’s Blind Spot. According to Hunter, naturalism predominates in modern science and is assumed to be capable of explaining every phenomenon in the universe. Hunter traces the historical development of this mindset, and investigates the usefulness and limitations of naturalistic science. He also analyzes the interface between naturalism and Darwinian evolution.

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A Broader Audience: Intelligent Design and Ciencia Alternativa

In today’s installment of ID The Future CSC’s Casey Luskin interviews Mario Lopez, co-founder of Ciencia Alternativa. Ciencia Alternativa is a website devoted to expanding intelligent design’s reach within the Spanish-speaking community. Lopez explains how he first became involved in ID, and describes the history and operations of Ciencia Alternativa. He also talks about some of his associates at Ciencia Alternativa and the harsh opposition they face from parts of the scientific community. According to Lopez, this opposition can be so severe that his associates must conduct ID-related work incognito to avoid endangering their reputations and employment elsewhere. Please visit Ciencia Alternativa at


Update on Guillermo Gonzalez’s Tenure Appeal at Iowa State University

In this installment of ID The Future, CSC’s Anika Smith provides an update on astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez’s tenure denial appeal. Iowa State University denied Gonzalez tenure earlier this year, a remarkable decision considering Gonzalez’s sterling academic record and ISU’s high rate of tenure application approvals in 2007. Gonzalez’s first appeal was rejected by ISU President Gregory Geoffroy on May 31st. On June 19th, Gonzalez notified the ISU President’s office that he would make another appeal, this time to the Board of Regents. As the appeal process plays out, stay updated at


Question Everything: An Interview with Author Gordy Slack

Today on ID The Future, Casey Luskin speaks with Gordy Slack about his new book, The Battle Over the Meaning of Everything: Evolution, Intelligent Design, and a School Board in Dover, PA. Slack also discusses his personal views on intelligent design and the socio-political implications of the ID-evolution debate.

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Crystal Clear: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Four)

This is the fourth installment in a six-part interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen. In today’s ID The Future podcast, Dr. Lyle Jensen describes his career in X-ray crystallography and his ground-breaking work in identifying protein structures. Jensen also reminisces about some of the awards and honors he has received for his contributions to science.

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Debunking Dawkins: Discussing his Edge of EvolutionBook Review 

Today ID The Future examines Richard Dawkins’ review of Michael Behe’s new book, The Edge of Evolution. Broadcasting from Washington, D.C., CSC’s Logan Gage takes aim at the arguments posed by Dawkins in his book review, revealing their shortcomings and inaccuracies.

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Who Designed the Designer?

On this episode of ID The Future we have a short clip of Dr. Jay Richards, discussing the question who designed the designer?

Critics of intelligent design theory often throw this question out thinking to highlight a weakness in ID. Richards shows that the theory’s inability to identify the designer is not a weakness, but a strength. ID does not identify the designer is because ID limits its claims to those which can be established by empirical evidence. As CSC Senior Fellow Dr. Michael Behe puts it: ” [A] scientific argument for design in biology does not reach that far. Thus while I argue for design, the question of the identity of the designer is left open.”

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