ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Doug Axe


An Overview of Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical and Theological Critique

On this episode of ID The Future, biologist Ann Gauger, CSC Director of Science Communications, discusses a big new anthology she contributed to and helped edit, Theistic Evolution. Gauger discusses the reception that the new book recently received at the Evangelical Theological Society meeting, and gives an overview of the book. In her conversation with host Sarah Chaffee, the two home in on the anthology’s contribution from leading chemist James Tour and the problems that synthetic chemistry pose for modern evolutionary theory. Gauger also summarizes a nano-tech breakthrough Tour’s research team has made in cancer research.


Live Broadcast of the Michael Medved Show’s Science & Culture Update: Pro-ID Scientists Discuss Academic Persecution

On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer reports on our recent special live edition of the Michael Medved Show’s Science and Culture Update, broadcast live from the Discovery Institute office in Seattle. The focus of the hour was the persecution of scientists and scholars that challenge Darwinian evolution, with a discussion featuring Dr. Richard Sternberg, Dr. Doug Axe, and Dr. Stephen Meyer.