ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Summer Seminar

student molecular model.jpg
young students picking molecular model for chemistry lesson

Stephen Meyer’s Advice to Science Students

On this episode of ID the Future, Stephen Meyer, director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and author of Darwin’s Doubt, gives advice to students and recent graduates interested in intelligent design. He encourages students to recognize how pervasive philosophical naturalism is in the academy; master the material; do good work; and stand firm. When should you keep your head down, letting discretion be the better part of valor, and when should you speak out, publicly supporting the case for intelligent design? Meyer also offers advice about this. 


2014 Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin gives some information on the Center for Science and Culture’s 2014 Summer Seminars in Seattle. This all-expenses-paid learning opportunity is open to undergraduate and graduate students in the sciences, humanities, law, or theology. Apply today!


Discovery Institute Announces the 2010 Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design

This episode of ID the Future features a special announcement from Discovery Institute announcing the 2010 Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design.

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