What is Falsifiability and Can ID Be Falsified? Dr. Jay Richards Answers
CSC’s Logan Gage interviews senior fellow Jay Richards about how philosophers of science use demarcation criteria to determine what is or isn’t science. One of the most commonly referred to demarcation points is falsifiability. Many scientists see the question of falsifiability as the gold standard in determining whether something is science or not. Richards defines what falsifiability is, why it’s important and answers whether or not intelligent design can be falsified and is therefore scientific.
About Jay Richards
Jay Wesley Richards has a Ph.D.(honors) in philosophy and theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was a Teaching Fellow. He is presently a Research Fellow and Director of Media at the Acton Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Richards has been published in academic journals including Religious Studies, Christian Scholars’ Review, and The Princeton Theological Review, and has written editorial features in The Washington Post, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and IntellectualCapital.com. Richards co-authored The Privileged Planet with astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez.