ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

New Video Podcast: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed the new film on the ID controversy

ID the Future

Premise media has just announced the release of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, a new film on the intelligent design controversy starring Ben Stein, due out this February.

Expelled takes a fresh look at the debate as Ben Stein interviews the prominent scientists and academics on both sides of the issue, including ardent Darwinists Richard Dawkins, PZ Myers, and Eugenie Scott, and design proponents such as Stephen Meyer, Jonathan Wells, and Guillermo Gonzalez.

Cutting through the rhetoric, the movie gets to the meat of the story — what is happening to scientists and professors who support intelligent design, and, perhaps more disturbingly, why is it happening?

According to the film’s press release, Expelled is “a disturbing new documentary that will shock anyone who thinks all scientists are free to follow the evidence wherever it may lead.”

Ben Stein, a pop-culture icon who is also a lawyer, an economist, a former presidential speechwriter, author and social commentator, “uncovers a long line of biologists, astronomers, chemists and philosophers who have had their reputations destroyed and their careers ruined by a scientific establishment that allows absolutely no dissent from Charles Darwin’s theory of random mutation and natural selection.”

Any film willing to ask these questions will spark controversy and turn up the heat on the entrenched Darwinian establishment. Expelled takes a look at several recent assaults on the academic freedom of pro-intelligent design scientists, including Drs. Richard Sternberg, Carolyn Crocker, Guillermo Gonzalez, and (unfortunately) many, many more. By exposing their stories to a national audience, Expelled reveals the stark truth: Darwinists have been conspiring to keep design out of classrooms, out of journals, and out of public discourse.

For more information, visit the Expelled homepage.

Read Bruce Chapman’s comments about the film at Evolution News & Views.

ID the Future

The ID The Future (IDTF) podcast explores the issues central to evolution and intelligent design. In short, pointed episodes, the podcast provides the most current news and views on evolution and ID. IDTF delivers interviews with key scientists and scholars developing the theory of ID, as well as insightful commentary from Discovery Institute senior fellows and staff on the scientific, educational, and legal aspects of the debate.
Teach the Controversy