Flock of Dodos Filmmaker Admits Film is Wrong
On this episode of ID The Future we expose just one of the many falsehoods in Flock of Dodos, and report a grudging admission from the filmmaker that his film is wrong.
In the film, storyteller Randy Olson tries his best to discredit intelligent design, but he only ends up discrediting himself by showing how far he is willing to stretch the truth to hoax his audience.
Flock of Dodos makes a number of false assertions about scientists and institutions researching the theory of intelligent design. The CSC has launched a webpage, www.hoaxofdodos.com, detailing the false facts in the film.
Reminder: Darwin Day, Monday, February 12, ID The Future will podcast a special 30 minute program in honor of Darwin’s birthday. The program features two short lectures from CSC senior fellows Dr. John West and Dr. Jonathan Wells.