ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Francis Collins


DNA, Signature in the Cell, and Francis Collins at the NIH

This episode of ID the Future features an interview with Stephen Meyer on the Sandy Rios show, where he answered questions about DNA, his new book, Signature in the Cell, and the recent appointment of Francis Collins to the NIH.

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New Atheists, New Theistic Evolutionists, and Who Is Right?

This episode of ID the Future features CSC associate director John West interviewed by Anika Smith on the launch of the new website,, bringing clarity to the conversation between the new atheists such as Richard Dawkins and the new theistic evolutionists like Francis Collins. Is faith in God compatible with Darwinian evolution? Who is right, and why does it matter? Listen in, and learn more at

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Intelligent Design 101: Casey Luskin on Human Chromosomal Fusion

On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin continues the series begun in the previous podcast (Intelligent Design 101: State of the Debate), rebutting an argument for common ancestry between humans and chimpanzees in Dr. Francis Collins’ book The Language of God. Taken from a recently finished appendix to Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues, Luskin responds to the notion that similar chromosomal structure between the two species is proof of a common lineage by saying plainly that the discovery is equally compatible with a theory of common design.


Dr. Jonathan Wells on The Language of God

On this episode of ID the Future Logan Gage interviews Dr. Jonathan Wells on his recent review of Francis Collins’ The Language of God, addressing questions of common ancestry, mistaken definitions of intelligent design, and Collins’ use of so-called “junk”-DNA to advance a “Darwin-of-the-gaps” argument.


A Review of The Language of God

On this episode the CSC’s Logan Gage provides an insightful review into Dr. Francis Collins’ recent book, The Language of God. According to Gage, Collins gives an excellent overview of design in physics and cosmology. Yet, when it comes to biology, Collins gets hung up on a common misperception about ID in biology, namely that it is an argument from ignorance. Gage shows how Collins’ view of design in cosmology is at odds with his dismissal of the possibility of design in biology.

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