ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Scientific Evidence


Casey Luskin on Why Intelligent Design is Worth Defending

Today’s ID the Future spotlights The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith. Host Eric Anderson interviews one of the anthology’s co-editors and contributors, geologist Casey Luskin. The two focus on just one of Luskin’s contributed essays, one that addresses two primary questions: Is intelligent design true? And is it worth expending the energy to defend it against powerful opposition? Luskin answers both questions in the affirmative, and explains why he sees the new anthology as a great resource in the cause of intelligent design.


When It’s Wise to Question the Scientific Consensus

On this episode of ID the Future, Anika Smith interviews CSC Research Director Jay Richards about when it’s wise to doubt a “scientific consensus.” With growing skepticism on issues where the public is told that scientific consensus exists — most notably Darwinian evolution, but also climate change. How can we tell if the consensus is based on social pressure or on scientific evidence? Listen in, and be sure to read Dr. Richards’ article at The American here.

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