September 20, 2017
, __edited , biology , Cardio-Pulmonary Arrest , Darwin , Darwinism , Debate Evolution , Design , Evolution , homeostasis , irreducible complexity
A Doctor Examines Some Intricate Control Systems Sustaining Your Life Right Now
Raymond Bohlin
September 20, 2017
Episode 1053
Guest(s) Raymond Bohlin
Duration 00:15:46 Download Audio File (14.4 mb)
On this episode of ID the Future , Ray Bohlin interviews Physician Howard Glicksman about a common cause of death, cardio-pulmonary arrest, using the subject as a doorway to explore some intricate, interdependent control systems that sustains life. Dr. Glicksman is a medical doctor and author of an extended series of posts at Evolution News & Science Today, “The Designed Body .”
Fellow , Center for Science and CultureRaymond Bohlin received his Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology from the University of Texas at Dallas. He is currently Vice-President of Vision Outreach for Probe Ministries and a Fellow at Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture. He has lectured on more than two dozen college and university campuses, addressing origins issues as well as other science-related topics such as the environment, genetic engineering, medical ethics, and sexually transmitted diseases. Dr. Bohlin's work has been published in the Journal of Thermal Biology, Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation and the Journal of Mammalogy. He is the author of The Natural Limits to Biological Change (Probe Books 1984), which he is currently revising and updating, and edited the book Creation, Evolution and Modern Science (Kregel, 2000).