Luskin and Miller Share Highlights of Recent African Speaking Tour
Is there interest and support for intelligent design in other countries besides the United States? As today’s interview will show, the answer to that question is a resounding yes! On this ID The Future, geologist and attorney Casey Luskin and physicist Brian Miller talk with host Andrew McDiarmid about their recent speaking trip to South Africa and Kenya. Accompanied by historian Richard Weikart for portions of it, the trio gave a total of 65 lectures to over 4,000 people on 7 university campuses and other locations. The response was inspiring. At the University of Eldoret in Kenya, Luskin and Miller were greeted with no less than a band and a red carpet! In both countries, they met graduates of Discovery Institute’s annual summer seminars on intelligent design. Everywhere they spoke, the speakers were warmly received by students, faculty, and administrators. And though intelligent design was new to some, most had already heard of it and some had even taken college classes in it. One high-level university administrator who gave a speech welcoming them quoted Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe and eruditely explained the concept of irreducible complexity. He has a PhD in biology and has avidly followed intelligent design during his career. He even invited Luskin and Miller to form a partnership between Discovery Institute and his university. As Luskin puts it in his blog post detailing the trip, support for intelligent design is burning brightly across the continent of Africa. Tune in to learn more about this remarkable experience.
Read Casey’s post about the trip at Evolution News, featuring photos of some of the speaking locations and some of the local wildlife.
Learn more about our annual summer seminar program, bringing together students from around the world to study the science and cultural impact of intelligent design.