ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

ID the Future


Case Closed: Guillermo Dekat Reviews Science’s Blind Spot

In today’s episode of ID The Future, CSC legal intern Guillermo Dekat reviews Cornelius G. Hunter’s new book Science’s Blind Spot. In law, Dekat explains, people harmed by a product are entitled to damages if they can prove the product is defective. If dogmatic science is a product under investigation, he continues, then Hunter’s work in Blind Spot proves its defects. Dekat charts Hunter’s arguments about science’s “theological naturalism,” and provides an overview of the other points made by the author.


Darwin Doubter: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Five)

This is the fifth installment in a six-part interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen. Today on ID The Future, Jensen explains his doubts about Darwinian evolution, citing everything from X-ray crystallography and fossils to blood clots and academic brainwashing. He also enunciates his fears that commitment to Darwinian dogma is impeding advances in scientific discovery.

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Crystal Clear: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Four)

This is the fourth installment in a six-part interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen. In today’s ID The Future podcast, Dr. Lyle Jensen describes his career in X-ray crystallography and his ground-breaking work in identifying protein structures. Jensen also reminisces about some of the awards and honors he has received for his contributions to science.

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Science and War: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Three) 

This is the third installment in a six-part interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen. In today’s podcast, CSC’s Casey Luskin interviews Dr. Jensen about his involvement in one of the most important operations of World War II, the Manhattan Project. Jensen explains how he was recruited by the Manhattan Project in 1943, and describes his contributions to the secret program that produced America’s first atomic bombs.

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Legacy of Learning: An Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Part Two)

This is the second episode in a six-part interview with Dr. Jensen. Today, Dr. Jensen reflects on his time at Walla Walla College and UW grad school during the Great Depression and World War II eras.

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Interview with Dr. Lyle Jensen, Part One

This is the first installment of a 6-part series of interviews with Dr. Lyle Jensen, a pioneer in the field of x-ray crystallographer and a biochemist, and a long-time scientific skeptic of Neo-Darwinian theory. Dr. Jensen is Professor (Emeritus) with the Department of Biological Structure and Department of Biochemistry at the University of Washington, and is also fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In this first installment, Dr. Jensen discusses how he became interested in science growing up in the 1920’s and 1930’s.


Question Darwin and Face the Consequences

What happens when a professor decides to present students with evidence that challenges Darwin’s theory? Find out on this episode of ID the Future, where we’ve highlighted comments from biochemist Nancy Bryson, a professor who knows firsthand the importance of academic freedom on college campuses.

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The Current State of Origins of Life Research 

On this episode of ID The Future we feature a short series of comments from Dr. Ed Pelzer on the status of current theories of origin of life research. Dr. Pelzer holds a PhD in oceanography from Scripps Oceanographic Institution at UCSD, and was a researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) for over twenty years.

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Artist Shows Connections Between Nature and Human Design 

On this episode of ID The Future, medical illustrator and artist Jody Sjogren, tells her scientific journey from being a passive “go-with-the-flow” Darwinist to becoming a Darwin-skeptic as she learned more and more about the workings of biology and human-designed machines, and gained experience with the creative-process.

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ID and the Arts, Part II

On this episode of ID The Future, Dennis Wagner of ARN discusses how ID inspires the arts and the specific material on This is part two of a series on, a website which pushes the frontier for ID theory and opens the discussion for design to the metaphysical and philosophical questions raised by ID.