ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 202


Intelligently Designed Nanotechnology

As Casey Luskin reveals in this episode of ID the Future, eminent biologists have said that they must continually remind themselves that what they see in biology evolved, and was not designed. But now engineers are turning to biology to replace human technology because biological pathways provide superior solutions to biomedical-technological needs. Is this trend more consistent with an evolved biosphere, or an intelligent designed one? Listen to this podcast and decide for yourself.


Darwin’s Predictions With Cornelius Hunter

On this episode of ID the Future, Cornelius Hunter is interviewed by Casey Luskin about his website,, and his blog, Darwin’s God.

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In a Charitable Mood: David Berlinski Reviews Richard Dawkins’ The Greatest Show on Earth

How is Richard Dawkins like a squid? Find out on this episode of ID the Future as David Berlinski reviews The Greatest Show on Earth in an interview by Casey Luskin. What does this book recapture for Dawkins, and where does it fail? And how does Darwin’s On the Origins of Species fit into all this? Tune in and find out.

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Darwinists Launch Cyber Attack on Intelligent Design Conference Website

Censorship has many forms. In this episode of ID the Future, Anika Smith talks to Shepherd Project Executive Director Craig Smith about how his organization recently became target the of malicious computer hackers in a coordinated attempt to suppress information about an upcoming conference on Darwin and intelligent design in Colorado.

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David Berlinski and The Deniable Darwin

On today’s episode of ID the Future, mathematician and consummate skeptic David Berlinski shares with Discovery President Bruce Chapman about his award-winning essays from Commentary Magazine and the answers that are unacceptable to the scientific community.

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The Origins of Intelligent Design: Countering Darwinist Urban Legends

On this episode of ID the Future, CSC’s Robert Crowther takes aim at Darwinist misinformation about the origins of intelligent design. Crowther makes mincemeat of the assertion that the term “intelligent design” was fabricated following the 1987 Edwards v. Aguillard Supreme Court case, showing instead that the term is over 100 years old. He also targets the old Darwinist canard that terms like micro- and macro-evolution were made up by Darwin’s critics.

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A Skeptic’s Take on the New Atheists: An Interview With The Devil’s Delusion Author David Berlinski

On this episode of ID the Future, mathematician and skeptic David Berlinski explains in a conversation with Discovery President Bruce Chapman where he draws the line with the new atheists.

There is a clear difference between a thoughtful secular Jew such as Dr. Berlinski and the new atheists such as Richard Dawkins. One is a truly cautious skeptic — the other maintains his dogmatic belief in Science, with a capital S. Nowhere is this illustrated more clearly than in Dr. Berlinski’s book, The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions, where he examines the issues that science claims to have solved.

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How Information Theory Is Taking Intelligent Design Mainstream: An Interview With Dr. William Dembski

This episode of ID the Future continues Casey Luskin’s interviews Dr. William Dembski on his new peer-reviewed paper, “Conservation of Information in Search: Measuring the Cost of Success,” published in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics A, Systems & Humans.

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Dr. Michael Egnor’s Brain Hypothesis

On this episode of ID the Future, Logan Gage interviews professor of neurosurgery at SUNY, Stony Brook Michael Egnor. Dr. Egnor discusses his current research into cerebral blood flow and the buffering of the brain from the force of blood pumped by the heart. Dr. Egnor’s approach to this problem is that of an engineer, using the design inference to understand how the brain protects itself from the pulsatility of the arterial blood flow of the heart.