ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

John Bloom

Copernicus as painted by Jan Matejko (1838–1893) in 1873

John Bloom on the Match that Lit the Scientific Revolution

On today’s ID the Future Biola University physicist John Bloom discusses his chapter in the recent anthology The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, co-edited by host Casey Luskin. Bloom’s focus in his contributed chapter is the pivotal role of Christianity in the rise of science. Bloom, the academic director of Biola’s master’s program in science and religion, draws on his PhD training in physics but also on his PhD in ancient Near Eastern studies and his study of the history of science. Here he argues that while the Babylonians and Greeks contributed some discoveries and insights that would eventually play into the rise of science, science did not take off, was not born, until a cluster of crucial ideas Read More ›


Dr. John Bloom: Perspectives on Cosmic Design

On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. John Bloom finishes up his conversation with Casey Luskin about evidence for design in the universe from physics and cosmology. Listen in as Dr. Bloom discusses how prevalent design-friendly views are in the physics world.

Dr. John Bloom: Cosmic Design and Fine Tuning

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his conversation with Dr. John Bloom about a recent WSJ op-ed by Eric Metaxas, “Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God.” Dr. Bloom explains the concept of fine tuning and why it’s such a compelling argument for design in the universe.

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Dr. John Bloom: Cosmic Design and the Big Bang

On this episode of ID the Future, hear from Dr. John Bloom, a CSC Fellow and professor at Biola University, as he explains some of the evidence of design in the universe from Physics and Cosmology. In this first segment, Dr. Bloom talks about the occurrence of the “Big Bang” and how it supports the theory of intelligent design. Listen in!

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