ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Phillip Johnson

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Big Tent

Jonathan Wells Remembers Phillip Johnson

On this episode of ID the Future, Jonathan Wells remembers Phillip Johnson, “godfather of the intelligent design movement.” Johnson not only attracted scientists’ and other academics’ attention with his groundbreaking Darwin on Trial, he brought them together as a united movement, pushing for a “big tent” for ID theorists to work together.

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Planet with numerous prominent ring system

Dr. Michael Denton on Evidence of Fine-Tuning in the Universe

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Michael Denton, a Senior Fellow of the CSC who holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Denton is the author of Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, which has been credited with influencing both Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe, as well as Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, which elaborates on the evidence of design in nature. Luksin and Denton discuss the ways in which the universe is uniquely fit for carbon-based life, and perhaps even human life. Denton argues that when it comes to evidence of fine-tuning in the universe, the more you look, the more you find. Tune in to discover what he has found that has led him to the inference that our world is intelligently designed.


Darwin on Trial 20th Anniversary: Phillip Johnson Looks Back and Forward

On this episode of ID The Future, we hear from Phillip Johnson on the 20th anniversary of his seminal book Darwin on Trial, which challenged mainstream beliefs about Darwinian evolution and inspired many scientists and scholars of the modern intelligent design movement. With characteristic wit and humor, Johnson talks about the reaction to his book and his hopes for the future of the debate and the ID movement.

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Darwin on Trial 20th Anniversary: Stephen Meyer on Phillip Johnson’s Courage

On this episode of ID The Future, Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture and author of Signature in the Cell: DNA & the Evidence for Intelligent Design, honors Phillip Johnson, the U.C. Berkeley law professor that helped launch the modern intelligent design movement with the 1991 publication of his book Darwin on Trial.
Meyer says Johnson had the courage to speak up when others don’t: “The over-weening dynamic of this debate is fear. There are many many many people who have come up to the water’s edge, who have seen the problems with Darwinian evolution, have counted the cost, and recoiled…Johnson had the guts…”

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Darwin on Trial 20th Anniversary: Paul Nelson & Jonathan Wells Pay Tribute

On this episode of ID The Future, two men influenced by Phillip Johnson’s 1991 book Darwin on Trial pay tribute. At a recent event celebrating Johnson’s impact, biologist and professor Dr. Paul Nelson says “the strongest cultural influence that the intelligent design community has had has been through its books – they change lives.”

Dr. Jonathan Wells, a cell and developmental biologist, credits Johnson with convincing him that the evidence for common ancestry, a pillar of Darwinian evolution, was so thin it was simply “applied materialistic philosophy.”

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Darwin on Trial 20th Anniversary: James Kushiner on Phillip Johnson’s “Gift”

On this episode of ID The Future, James Kushiner, author, journalist, and editor of Touchstone Magazine, pays tribute to the mettle of Phillip Johnson in writing his 1991 book Darwin on Trial. The book inspired skeptics of Darwinian evolution across the disciplines and helped establish the modern intelligent design movement.

Kushiner says Johnson “helped neutralize the acid of Darwinism that has devoured the sight of so many who have lost the ability to see the beauty in creation.”

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Darwin on Trial 20th Anniversary: Darwinian Evolution’s “Wrecking Ball”

On this episode of ID The Future, Host David Boze kicks off the celebration by setting the stage. He first takes us back to 1925, where Darwinian evolution seemingly won the day in the infamous Scopes Trial. Fast forward to 1991. Evolutionary theory is back on trial. Harvard graduate and University of California at Berkeley law professor Phillip Johnson publishes Darwin on Trial. The controversial book questions how much we really know about the supposedly unchallengeable theory of evolution and inspires other critics of the theory to explore it’s limits and press the argument further. Tune in to hear comments about the impact of Darwin on Trial from Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Center for Science & Culture at the Discovery Institute.

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