ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast



3 Questions for Friends Skeptical of Intelligent Design

On today’s ID the Future Tom Gilson — author, senior editor with The Stream, and occasional contributor to Evolution News & Science Today — tackles the question of how best to discuss intelligent design with friends and associates skeptical of ID. There is so much misinformation about the theory of intelligent design that many well-intended people reject not the actual theory but a silly caricature, a straw man. They don’t realize that ID is not an argument from ignorance but an inference to the best explanation based on positive evidence for design and negative evidence against competing materialistic explanations. It involves what is known as abductive reasoning, a standard mode of reasoning in the historical sciences. When in conversation with Read More ›

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Spielplan Fussball Europameisterschaft

Classic Darwinist Tactics: When the Evidence Fails, Strategize!

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin finishes up his review of Karl Giberson and Francis Collins’ The Language of Science and Faith. In this sixth and final part of Luskin’s review, he delves into a discussion about the contradictions, irony, and appeals to authority that permeate the book. Listen to this podcast to hear why Giberson and Collins resort to such tactics. Is the evidence for Darwinian evolution really as strong as they would have you believe?