ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 213


Dawkins’ Anti-Religious Crusade

On this episode of ID the Future, CSC’s Casey Luskin examines Richard Dawkins’ crusade against religion and what it might mean for the teaching of evolution in schools. Why did Michael Ruse write to Dawkins and tell him that he was an “absolute disaster in the fight against intelligent design“? Listen in and find out.


Animal Minds, Materialism, and Francis Crick

On this episode of ID the Future, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor and UCLA psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz join Casey Luskin for a discussion of materialism and its effect on modern science. Listen in to a conversation that begins with the question of whether animals have souls and turns to a lively discussion of Francis Crick and the way his materialist ideology blinded him to the implications of his own scientific discovery.


Mind-Brain Interaction and Science Fiction

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews neurosurgeon Michael Egnor and UCLA psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz on the interaction between the mind and the brain in science fiction. Could the mind really be an illusion from a computer program, like in The Matrix? Listen in as Drs. Egnor and Schwartz explain how materialist fictions ultimately beg the question.


Mind over Matter: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and the Implications for Materialism

On this episode of ID the Future, UCLA psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz shares with Casey Luskin about his research on obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). What does neuroscience tell us about the relationship between the mind and the brain? Schwartz explains in his book, The Mind and the Brain, that patients treated for OCD actually had the power to change the neural pathways in their brains by the power of their minds. What does this mean for materialism in medicine? Listen in and discover the real-world implications in this debate.


Materialism and Human Dignity

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Michael Egnor, professor of neurosurgery at SUNY, Stony Brook, on the relationship between the mind and the brain.

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Report From the Texas State Board of Education

In this ID the Future podcast, Casey Luskin interviews Jonathan Saenz, Esq., Director of Legislative Affairs & Attorney at the Free Market Foundation in Austin Texas. Mr. Saenz attended this week’s recent meeting of the Texas State Board of Education where members of the public expressed their views on whether Texas public schools should teach students about both the scientific strengths and weaknesses of evolution. Mr. Saenz recounts the predictably false and fallacious arguments made by many Darwinists who tried to convince the Texas State Board of Education to dumb-down evolution education.

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Atheist Philosopher of Physics Bradley Monton on Intelligent Design Debate, Part Five

This episode of ID the Future features the last in a series of interviews with atheist philosopher of physics Bradley Monton. Professor Monton’s perspective enriches and expands the debate over intelligent design, as he discusses whether an ID proponent can be an atheist, the scientific evidence for intelligent design, and the importance of the argument from cosmology.

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Atheist Philosopher of Physics Bradley Monton on Intelligent Design Debate, Part Four

On this episode of ID the Future, atheist philosopher of science Bradley Monton turns the tables on Casey Luskin, putting the question to him about the Dover trial. What is the story of Discovery Institute’s involvement in that infamous case? Listen in as Professor Monton asks good questions and gets good answers.


Atheist Philosopher of Physics Bradley Monton on Intelligent Design Debate, Part Three

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his interview with atheist philosopher of science Bradley Monton. Professor Monton discusses his role in “The Great Debate on Intelligent Design” last weekend. Interestingly, the two presenters on the pro-ID side, including Prof. Monton, were non-theists.

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The Importance of Being Human

This episode of ID the Future we’re highlighting a new podcast by Discovery Institute senior fellow Wesley J. Smith, called What It Means to Be Human.

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