ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 210


Questioning Darwinian Dogma: Conversation with Biologist Luman Wing, Part 1

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Luman Wing, a signer of the Dissent from Darwinism statement who has spent many years working in biotechnology. Dr. Wing recounts his observations as an undergraduate studying under Dr. Dean Kenyon at San Francisco State University at the time that Dr. Kenyon underwent his intellectual de-conversion from Darwinism, and rescinded his textbook promoting the natural chemical origin of life.


Cesare Lombroso and the Rise of Darwinian Criminal Justice

On this episode of ID the Future, John West shares from his book, Darwin Day in America, about Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso and the New School of Criminal Anthropology. Lombroso and his disciples contended that criminal behavior could be explained largely as a throwback to earlier stages of Darwinian evolution. Listen in as West illustrates the consequences of applying Darwin’s theory to criminal justice.


Academic Freedom Update: Where Are We in 2009?

On this episode of ID the Future, CSC’s Casey Luskin gives listeners an update on what’s going on with academic freedom legislation around America. Academic freedom bills submitted in five states already this year, including Oklahoma, Iowa, New Mexico, Missouri and Alabama. Listen in to today’s podcast as Luskin explains how Darwinist opposition to the bills is showing why academic freedom legislation is necessary to protect teachers from a climate of intimidation.

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Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased Without Intelligence

On this episode of ID the Future, CSC’s Robert Crowther highlights one of the foundational books of the theory of intelligent design. No Free Lunch, the sequel to mathematician and CSC senior fellow William Dembski’s Cambridge University Press book The Design Inference, explores key questions about the origin of specified complexity. No Free Lunch demonstrates that design theory shows great promise of providing insight in the field of evolutionary computation.


Darwin, Intelligent Design, and Freedom of Discovery on Evolutionists’ Holy Day

In this podcast, Casey Luskin presents his piece from U.S. News and World Report titled, “Darwin, Intelligent Design, and Freedom of Discovery on Evolutionists’ Holy Day.” Luskin describes how many modern day evolutionists reject Charles Darwin’s call for academic freedom in the debate over evolution. The op-ed also recounts a recent incident where Ben Stein, star of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, was himself “expelled” from the University of Vermont due to his views on evolution. The original article can be read here.


Darwinian Economics: Capitalism or Marxism?

Does Darwinism lend support more naturally to a capitalist moral-economic perspective or to a Marxist one?

On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer explores the deep Darwinian roots of Communism, arguing that, while Marx had already begun sketching the outlines of his ideas before Darwin published the Origin of Species, he is fairly called a Darwinist, and the men who translated Marxism into practical political terms in the form of Soviet terror were evolutionary thinkers, just as they themselves claimed to be.

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Defending Critical Analysis in Cross-Examination: Dr. Stephen Meyer Answers Questions in Texas

This episode of ID the Future features Dr. Stephen Meyer responding to his critics during a questioning period before the Texas State Board of Education last month. Listen in as philosopher of science Meyer cuts through the rhetorical strategies in this debate and exposes the strengths and weaknesses of the Darwinist position, rebutting the misinformation about Discovery Institute’s education policy and laying out the legitimate scientific dissent from Darwin.

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Chemist Charles Garner on Chemical Evolution

On this ID the Future podcast, Chemistry Professor Charles Garner from Baylor University testifies before the Texas State Board of Education about the need to teach students about both the scientific strengths and weaknesses of evolution. Dr. Garner specifically focuses on chemical evolution, emphasizing some of the scientific weaknesses in theories of a natural chemical origin of life, and encourages that evidence to be taught in Texas science classrooms.


Biologist Ralph Seelke Speaks Out in Support of Teaching the Controversy

Biologist Ralph Seelke is one of the scientists who aren’t supposed to exist; he’s skeptical of Darwin’s theory of evolution. As a professor at University of Wisconsin-Superior, Dr. Seelke tests what evolution can actually do. In January, Dr. Seelke testified about his research before the Texas Board of Education, and this episode of ID the Future features audio from his presentation. Listen in and learn why scientists support teaching the strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary theory.

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