ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 233


Deadly Medicine: The forgotten history of eugenics

On this episode of ID The Future, CSC’s Logan Gage points out that only one century ago, eugenics — the attempt to improve the human race through better breeding — was all the rage in the scientific world. And this spring marks the centenary of the world’s first forced-sterilization law.

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The Current State of Origins of Life Research 

On this episode of ID The Future we feature a short series of comments from Dr. Ed Pelzer on the status of current theories of origin of life research. Dr. Pelzer holds a PhD in oceanography from Scripps Oceanographic Institution at UCSD, and was a researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) for over twenty years.

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Debating Darwin and Design: What happens when open discussion is allowed

On this episode of ID The Future, we take a brief look at what happens when open discussion of intelligent design is allowed. With the controversy over allowing the debate heating up at SMU, ID The Future takes you back to last year’s fruitful debate between Darwin vs. Design conference speaker Dr. Stephen Meyer and University of Washington professor Peter Ward. Dr. Meyer explains how teaching the controversy and allowing discussion of intelligent design engages students and promotes better science.


Darwin Vs. Design Conference Report

On this episode of ID The Future we get a report on a recent ID conference in Knoxville, and a preview of the upcoming conference in Dallas.

What is intelligent design and what scientific evidence supports it? Why is it so controversial? How does it differ from Darwin’s theory of evolution? Is there a purpose to the universe? What new scientific facts are turning evolutionary theories upside down? These are just some of the intriguing questions addressed at the Darwin Vs. Design conferences.

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The Positive Case for Intelligent Design

On this episode of ID The Future CSC’s Casey Luskin talks about a lecture he recently delivered at Boise State University titled “The Positive Case for Intelligent Design.” Here he provides some clips from the lecture explaining the positive case for design while discussing why some Darwinists chose to “abstain” from attending.


Asking Hard Questions about Darwinian Evolution

On this episode of ID the Future, professor of neurosurgery Michael Egnor shares his experience asking hard questions to prominent Darwinists on their blogs. An experience which began with a simple question to TIME magazine’s Michael Lemonick soon showed how the problem with the current debate is that only ID proponents are asking how biological complexity arose. Dr. Egnor’s insights into the search for scientific truth challenges Darwinism and those who defend the theory without engaging with his questions.


Why is Intelligent Design such a Dangerous Theory that it has to be Censored?

Even as Darwinists at SMU are moving to stifle an intelligent design conference on their campus, this episode of ID The Future features a short clip of an address to the National Press Club by Dr. Jay Richards about academic freedom. As Richards explains, Darwinists are actively working to censor scientist and scholars advocating intelligent design, and are trying to curb their right to freely discuss even just scientific criticisms of Darwinian evolution. There is a growing trend of dogmatic Darwinists trying to intimidate people who are in some way associated with researching intelligent design into being quiet, rather than engaging in a civil debate about the scientific merits of their arguments.


What is the evidence for intelligent design from the field of astronomy? 

In biology one of the main pieces of evidence for intelligent design is the bacterial flagellum. What are some of the main pieces of evidence supporting intelligent design in the field of astronomy? On this episode of ID The Future we feature a short clip of astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez explaining that for the past 50 years physicists and astronomers have been exploring the idea of the fine tuning of the constants of nature. Gonzalez points to this fine tuning as one piece of evidence for intelligent design and then goes on to describe some of the other evidences within astronomy and cosmology. For more information visit The Privileged Planet website.

examining skulls lab
Scientists examining skull in lab
Photo licensed via Adobe Stock

Where does Darwin’s argument from the Origin of Species fit into the classroom? 

On this episode of ID The Future CSC senior fellow and philosopher of biology Paul Nelson argues that regardless of court orders banning discussion of intelligent design, given the history and structure of evolutionary theory, philosophical issues related to design in nature will come up in the classroom. In science classrooms today the allowed scientific playing field is multidimensional. There is the empirical axis, or observational information, and the analytical axis, truth of mathematics and logic. Where then does Darwin’s argument from the Origin of Species fit into the classroom?

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typical sale shirt at a mannequin
Photo licensed via Adobe Stock

Does Darwinism Devalue Human Life?

On this episode of ID The Future CSC Fellow, Dr. Richard Weikart, author of From Darwin to Hitler asks if Darwinism devalues human life? Some Darwinists deny that Darwinism has any ethical implications at all. In this short clip, Dr. Weikart looks at comments from Darwinists about that animal ancestry of humans and shows how that blurred the distinction between the animal kingdom and humanity, and negates the idea of human exceptionalism. Click here to read the article, Does Darwinism Devalue Human Life? Access Research Network has made the video of this entire lecture available through Google Video. Click here. For more information on the book From Darwin to Hitler visit the website at