ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 231


Why Consensus Doesn’t Count

Darwinists often point out that Darwin’s theory is supported by a majority of scientists and so only the evidence that supports the theory should be presented to students. On this episode of ID The Future, CSC’s John West explains that when it comes to setting public policy, dissenting views on science can be critically important and should be encouraged.


Meet The Materialists: Clarence Darrow

Perhaps the most celebrated defense attorney in the first half of the twentieth century, Clarence Darrow is best known for his role at the Scopes “monkey trial” in the 1920s. But he also was an early champion of the idea that criminals should not be held responsible for their crimes. On this episode of ID The Future, CSC’s John West explores Darrow’s worldview of deterministic materialism.

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PBS, Darwin and Dover: an Interview with Phillip Johnson 

On this episode of ID The Future, CSC’s Casey Luskin interviews Phillip Johnson (Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law, emeritus School of Law University of California, Berkeley) author of the bestseller Darwin on Trial, and one of the founders of the modern intelligent design movement.

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The Premiere of

The new website launched today,, provides people searching for information about intelligent design (ID) online an easy way to access the many leading ID websites that are out there. On this episode of IDTF, CSC’s Robert Crowther explains the need for such a website, and highlights some of its main features.


Cesare Lombroso and the Rise of Darwinian Criminal Justice

On this episode of ID the Future, John West shares from his new book, Darwin Day in America, about Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso and the New School of Criminal Anthropology. Lombroso and his disciples contended that criminal behavior could be explained largely as a throwback to earlier stages of Darwinian evolution. Listen in as West illustrates the consequences of applying Darwin’s theory to criminal justice.


Who’s on Trial? A Look at NOVA’s Judgment Day

This episode of ID the Future features an interview with Center for Science and Culture’s Rob Crowther, who explains the problems with NOVA’s “Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial,” a special 2-hour program devoted to the Dover trial on PBS next week. Crowther also explains Discovery Institute’s policy on interviews and shares his experience negotiating terms with NOVA’s producers.


Why are students skeptical of Darwinism?

Skepticism of Darwinian evolution remains high, with well over half of American’s doubtful that Darwin’s theory adequately explains the intricate complexity of the natural world that they see around them. Most Darwinists claim that such skepticism is motivated simply by personal religious beliefs. On this episode of IDTF, CSC’s Casey Luskin shows that for many students today the skepticism is based on science.

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Confronting Misrepresentative and Deceptive Definitions of ID

On this episode of IDTF CSC’s Casey Luskin looks at common misrepresentations of intelligent design in the political and legal arenas. Comparing the comments from critics to the actual writings of ID proponents it is clear that critics are knowingly misrepresenting intelligent design in order to attack the theory.


Real Science for Kids

This episode of ID the Future features an interview with Dr. Rebecca Keller, who discusses the nature of science and interpretation and how it applies to science education. Her textbooks focus on the practice of science, and are available at Gravitas Publications.

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