ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 238

Antibiotic resistant bacteria
Antibiotic resistant bacteria inside a biofilm, 3D illustration. Biofilm is a community of bacteria where they aquire antibiotic resistance and communicate with each other by quorum sensing molecules

Is Antibiotic Resistance Evidence for Darwinian Evolution?

This episode of ID The Future features the audio of a short video segment from the Icons of Evolution curriculum modules DVD. Antibiotic resistance is an example of natural selection acting on random mutation and is often referred to as one of the hallmark pieces of evidence for Darwin’s theory of evolution. Is it truly strong evidence supporting modern evolutionary theory? Biologist Scott Minnich and other biologists think not and explain why.


An Interview with Michael Behe author of The Edge of Evolution

THE EDGE OF EVOLUTION: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism published by Free Press is CSC Senior Fellow Michael Behe’s long-awaited follow up to his 1996 bestseller Darwin’s Black Box. While Darwin’s Black Box was the book that helped launch the intelligent design movement, The Edge of Evolution is certain to be a revelation and a bombshell in its own ways, and is already inviting comment and critique from scientists around the world.

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Biochemist Michael Behe Stirs the Waters of Controversy at The Edge of Evolution

The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism published by Free Press is CSC Senior Fellow Michael Behe’s long-awaited follow up to his 1996 bestseller Darwin’s Black Box. While Darwin’s Black Box was the book that helped launch the intelligent design movement, The Edge of Evolution is certain to be a revelation and a bombshell in its own ways, and is already inviting comment and critique from scientists around the world.

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New Textbook Promotes Better Teaching of Evolution

This episode of ID the Future examines the new textbook Explore Evolution: Arguments For and Against Neo-Darwinism. This is the first biology textbook to present the scientific evidence both for and against key aspects of Darwinian evolution.

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Failed Predictions and Common Descent: Part V

On this episode of ID the Future, Paul Nelson concludes his series on common descent. Nelson and Luskin take a look at a recent paper addressing phylogenies and data which seems to conflict with common descent.

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Failed Predictions and Common Descent: Part IV

This episode of ID the Future features the fourth in a series of interviews with Dr. Paul Nelson on common descent. Listen in as Dr. Nelson continues his analysis of common descent at the level of the phylogeny of animal groups.


What Does it Mean to be Denied Tenure? The Case of ID Scientist Guillermo Gonzalez

On this episode of ID The Future CSC’s Casey Luskin interviews Dr. John West about the case of Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, a noted astronomer and professor denied tenure at Iowa State University. Dr. West explains how the situation arose and why this is such an important case for academic freedom. Finally, Dr. West discusses the importance of tenure and that denial of tenure is tantamount to being fired.

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Textbooks Don’t Lie: Haeckel’s Faked Drawings Have Been Used to Promote Evolution

On this episode of ID The Future CSC’s Casey Luskin discusses false information promoted by filmmaker Randy Olson regarding a 1994 textbook that used Haeckel’s fraudulent embryo drawings to promote evolution.

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Controversy over ISU’s Denial of Tenure to ID Scientist Continues to Grow

On this episode we provide breaking news and the latest developments in the ongoing controversy over Iowa State University’s denial of tenure to noted astronomer Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez.

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ISU Faculty Admit ID Played Role in Gonzalez Tenure Denial

On this episode of ID the Future we take a look at Iowa State University’s decision to deny tenure to astronomer and professor Guillermo Gonzalez, despite the fact that he exceeds his department’s standard of research by 350%. Two faculty members at ISU have admitted that the denial of tenure to Dr. Gonzalez had to do with his support for intelligent design, a clear violation of Dr. Gonzalez’s academic freedom. Listen in and learn more about Guillermo’s research record and how you can help support his right to follow the evidence wherever it leads.