ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast



Dr. Paul Nelson: Advice for Students in the Evolutionary Biology Classroom

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Paul Nelson to hear his take on a recent NYT op-ed authored by University of Washington Professor David Barash. In his article, Prof. Barash explains “The Talk” he gives to his students, in which he insists that science and religion are incompatible. How should students respond to professors that attack their worldviews, and claim to be backed by science? Dr. Nelson gives some advice.

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Does Science Show “There Was No First Human”?

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with Dr. Ann Gauger about her criticisms of the PBS video, “There Was No First Human,” that attempts to show how evolutionary change happens. The video makes the claim that evolution has been a continuous and gradual process — a claim that many evolutionary biologists would disagree with, and that is not supported by evidence from the fossil record. Listen in as Dr. Gauger explains.


Dr. Jonathan Wells: Biology’s Quiet Revolution

On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Jonathan Wells discusses a popular claim, which he describes as “DNA makes RNA makes protein makes us”—or, every organism contains a program for itself in its DNA. Though this view fits neatly with the perspective of Darwinian evolution, it has been shown to be incorrect at every step. Listen in as Dr. Wells explains.


Dr. Ann Gauger: Biology Still Surprises Us

On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid talks with biologist Ann Gauger about the ability of biology to continually surprise us — even when we think the science is settled. Dr. Gauger discusses some scientific “facts” that have since been disproved, and also reflects on her own experiences as a student, and later as a researcher, as she has realized that life is much more sophisticated than we could have imagined.


Michael Behe: Vindication for ‘The Edge of Evolution’

On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Michael Behe talks with Casey Luskin about recent findings that support his argument in The Edge of Evolution. Dr. Behe explains why Chloroquine, a drug that treats malaria, presents a good opportunity to study the limits of random mutation and natural selection, and how his conclusions inspired so much backlash — including misrepresentation of his argument — from his critics.

high end telescope
professional telescope

Dr. Rob Sheldon: What the BICEP2 Consortium’s Discovery Means, pt. 2

On this episode of ID the Future, hear more about the BICEP2 Consortium’s discovery from physicist Rob Sheldon. Dr. Sheldon explains his questioning of whether the signal detected by BICEP2 was real, and why he thinks the discovery has only a 1 in 10^60 chance of being correct.


The War on Humans: Q&A with Wesley J. Smith and John West

On this episode of ID The Future, we’re featuring clips of questions and answers with Wesley J. Smith and John West from the premiere of The War on Humans documentary. Smith and West briefly answer questions about the threat of the fringe element of the radical animal rights movement; the advance of animal rights proponents political agenda; and the regulatory process that is creeping towards scientism.