ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

David Klinghoffer


New Book “Debating Darwin’s Doubt” Released on 90th Anniversary of Scopes Trial

On today’s episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer, editor of Evolution News and Views, comments on the 90th anniversary of the Scopes Monkey Trial and the continuing scientific debate over Darwin’s theory of evolution.

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For Darwin Day, Discovery Institute Names University of Chicago Biologist Jerry Coyne as “Censor of the Year”

On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer announces Discovery Institute’s 2013 Censor of the Year award. Listen in as Klinghoffer explains why we’ve chosen to recognize University of Chicago biologist Jerry Coyne, out of several promising nominees, for his success in choking off free speech on intelligent design and evolution.


Live Broadcast of the Michael Medved Show’s Science & Culture Update: Pro-ID Scientists Discuss Academic Persecution

On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer reports on our recent special live edition of the Michael Medved Show’s Science and Culture Update, broadcast live from the Discovery Institute office in Seattle. The focus of the hour was the persecution of scientists and scholars that challenge Darwinian evolution, with a discussion featuring Dr. Richard Sternberg, Dr. Doug Axe, and Dr. Stephen Meyer.


What Does It Mean to Be a “Friend of Darwin”?

On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer talks about what it means to be a “Friend of Darwin.” In the case of Zack Kopplin, a 2012 recipient of the Friend of Darwin award, it means grossly misleading the public about science and education by equating skepticism of Darwinian evolution with biblical creationism.


In Colorado, Darwin Activists Fight Academic Freedom with Gross Misinformation

On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer discusses Colorado’s House Bill 13-1089, which proposes a law, based on Discovery Institute academic freedom policy, that would protect scientific instruction in the classroom. Darwin activists such as the National Center for Scientific Education are aggressively pushing gross misinformation in an attempt to keep the bill from being passed into law.

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“Background Checks” to Root Out Doubts About Darwin?

On this episode of ID The Future, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow David Klinghoffer explores the latest developments involving Dr. Ben Carson and the protests surrounding his doubts over Darwinian evolution after being invited to speak at Emory University’s commencement this year. Klinghoffer reveals that administration at Emory are now considering an additional “background check” for future invited speakers, so as to root out anyone that may have differing opinions from the academic or scientific mainstream. This assault on academic freedom just keeps getting worse! Listen in as Klinghoffer explains. Read more about it at Evolution News & Views.


Sign the Petition Urging Emory University to Stand Up to Darwinist Bullies

On this episode of ID the Future, host David Boze and Dr. David Klinghoffer discuss how Darwinist bullying at Emory University illustrates how the scientific consensus on Darwinian evolution is maintained through an atmosphere of intimidation, distortion, and oppression. Dr. Ben Carson, a widely acclaimed neurosurgeon, was invited to give the Commencement address and receive an honorary degree. Now he’s being targeted by Darwinists at the university for being a Darwin skeptic. Perhaps even more disturbing is the university’s failure to reaffirm Dr. Carson’s welcome and support his right to academic freedom.

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The Darwin-Fueled Ideas of John Derbyshire and Robert Weissberg

On this episode of ID The Future, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow David Klinghoffer discusses the recent move by National Review editor Rich Lowry to sever ties with two regular contributors, John Derbyshire and Robert Weissberg, after discovering their connections to racialist groups promoting race superiority, eugenics, and other decidedly un-American ideas. Klinghoffer illustrates how Darwinian evolution informs proponents of these ideas, and how important it is to identify and root out this kind of thinking before it has a chance to pollute respectable institutions and publications.

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Conservatives as Heretics

On this episode of IDTF, host David Boze interviews CSC senior fellow David Klilnghoffer about his piece in the American Spectator looking at why many in the media and politics are abusing the word science by converting it into a verbal bullying tool to force opposition to conform to political agendas. Klinghoffer also examined the similarities in the kinds of ideas that evoke a skeptical response among conservatives and Republicans and whether those similarities tell us something about the so-called war on science.

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