ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Michael Newton Keas


DNA as Clue: How Intelligence Detects Information, and Creates It

On this episode of ID the Future, attorney and engineer Eric Anderson continues his discussion hosted by Mike Keas on what it means that there’s information in DNA, and how this distinguishes it from most other physical objects. He talks about what intelligence really is and does — and why we know it’s involved in creating the unique information in DNA. And he recommends an answer we can give to those who “dig their heels in” and disagree on what information is about. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast.

Saturn Rings compressed
Saturn's Rings

Answering Our ID Critics: Distinguish Information In from Information About

In this episode of ID the Future, Mike Keas interviews attorney and engineer Eric Anderson about the first of two mistakes ID antagonists often make regarding information in nature. There is information to be gained about natural phenomena, like Saturn’s rings for example, but is there information actually in Saturn’s rings, or is that information produced by intelligent agents studying Saturn’s rings? The answer to that question should be clear — and it makes a huge difference in how we understand information and intelligence.

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old science lab
Old science lab with chemical reagents and burner

Improving Science Education by Understanding Science’s History

On this episode of ID the Future, Rob Crowther discusses controversy in the science classroom with Senior Fellow and historian of science Dr. Michael Keas. Listen in as Keas discusses various areas of controversy, and advises teachers that “science is best taught as science is best practiced.”

Optical equipment for testing vision.
Optical equipment for testing vision. Professional medical machine. Ophthalmology.

Scientific Reasons to Reject an Atheistic Worldview: Exploring TrueU with Mike Keas

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews CSC senior fellow Dr. Mike Keas, author and expert on science pedagogy. Dr. Keas discusses True U, a worldview curriculum aimed at high school and college students. Dr. Keas contributes to the teaching resources and blog at Listen in as they talk about the impact of the New Atheists and how scientifically-based arguments such as intelligent design have religious implications. True U is an extraordinary new resource to help students understand what they think about the world and the big questions of life. For more information and free resources, visit the website at