ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 217


William Dembski on the Origin of Life, Early Church Fathers, and Understanding ID 

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews leading intelligent design theorist and CSC Senior Fellow William Dembski. A mathematician and philosopher, Dr. Dembski is also a prolific writer with 3 books forthcoming this year: Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language, a user-friendly take on ID written with students in mind. The Patristic Understanding of Creation: An Anthology of Writings from the Church Fathers on Creation and Design, a thorough survey of the writings of the early Church theologians who were challenged by ancient Greeks who believed in an eternal world. How to be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist (Or Not), co-authored with Jonathan Wells, explains how materialistic approaches to the origin of life have failed. If we still have the origin of life problem, can one be an intellectually fulfilled atheist? Would the early church fathers accept theistic evolution? What should pro-ID students do to get involved? Tune in and find out.


Seeing Spots: Dr. Cornelius Hunter and Science’s Blind Spot

On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin speaks with biophysicist and author Cornelius Hunter about naturalism, the dogma of evolution, and his new book Science’s Blind Spot. According to Hunter, naturalism predominates in modern science and is assumed to be capable of explaining every phenomenon in the universe. Hunter traces the historical development of this mindset, and investigates the usefulness and limitations of naturalistic science. He also analyzes the interface between naturalism and Darwinian evolution.

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The Mystery of Life’s Origin: An Interview with Dr. Charles Thaxton, Part Two 

This episode of ID the Future features part two of an interview with Dr. Charles Thaxton, one of the first intelligent design scientists in the modern ID movement.

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Neo-Darwinism’s Homology Problem 

On this episode of ID The Future we feature a short clip about homology — the idea that there is structural identity and similarity of parts in distinct species such as the pentadactyl plan of the human hand, the wing of a bird, and the flipper of a seal. Scientists such as David Berlinski, Paul Nelson and Stephen Meyer argue that Neo-Darwinism explains some of the facts of homology but leaves many significant anomalies unexplained.

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The Mystery of Life’s Origin: An Interview with Dr. Charles Thaxton, Part One

This episode of ID the Future features part one of an interview by Casey Luskin with CSC Fellow Charles Thaxton, co-author of The Mystery of Life’s Origin (1984), a foundational work for the intelligent design movement.

Listen in as Dr. Thaxton takes us back to the first stirrings of the modern intelligent design movement and discusses the chemical challenge to naturalistic origin of life theories.

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Intelligent Design Goes to Vegas

This episode of ID the Future features remarks by Stephen Meyer at Freedomfest conference in Las Vegas. What do intelligent design, evolution, information and purple people eaters all have in common? Well, they all took front stage at Freedomfest in Las Vegas last week when ID proponents Stephen Meyer and George Gilder squared off against Darwinists Michael Shermer and Ronald Bailey in debating whether there is scientific evidence for intelligent design in nature. Listen in as Stephen Meyer shares his opening remarks for the crowd.


Evolutionary Economics?

On this video episode of IDTF, Senior Fellow Dr. John West takes a look at free market economics and business. It is often claimed that the free market operates like biological natural selection because the best ideas and products survive while others die out. However, West argues that the success of products and ideas is the result of intelligent decisions in designing products and developing new ideas. To mix economics and evolution together is to misunderstand both.


PBS’ Think Tank Video Explaining Differences Between Intelligent Design and Creationism

On this episode of ID The Future we are highlighting a second short clip from PBS’ Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg that features CSC Director Dr. Stephen Meyer explaining the differences between intelligent design, evolution and creationism.

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Atheist Antithesis 

In this episode of IDTF, CSC’s Logan Gage discusses the “new” atheists’ approach to religion as a byproduct of evolution. Citing new research which shows that some religious beliefs and ways of processing are innate and are thus not accumulated by experience, Gage explains why the “new” atheists’ views are unfairly biased against religious beliefs and why they are ultimately self defeating.