ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Darwin Lobbyists


Is Darwinian Evolution a Theory, Fact, or Hypothesis? New Paper Helps Clarify

On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin discusses a paper by Northern Arizona University philosopher Peter Kosso that challenges the typical definition of theory used by the Darwin lobby. When attacking opponents, Darwin lobbyists, such as those in the National Academy of Sciences, have defined “theory” as necessarily requiring a vast body of evidence. But is that what “theory” really means? Some people even describe Darwinian evolution to be both theory and fact. Tune in as Luskin clarifies these terms and reveals methods we can use to challenge Darwinian evolution without getting caught up in an endless argument of semantics.

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Academic Freedom a Possibility in Tennessee

On this episode of ID the Future, Anika Smith interviews Joshua Youngkin about the academic freedom bill that passed in the Tennessee House. Why does a bill that actually encourages more teaching on evolution threaten Darwin-lobbyists? Tune in to find out, and stay tuned to Evolution News & Views as we track the bill in the TN legislature.


How Supporters of Evolution Encourage Violations of the Establishment Clause

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin examines the double standard advocated by the evolution lobby in public schools. “Either a viewpoint is religious and unconstitutional to advocate as correct or critique as false in public schools, or it’s scientific and fair game for both advocacy and critique in public schools,” says Luskin.

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