ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

public schools


Science Education: Why We Should Teach the Controversy

On this episode of ID the Future, hear the second part of Casey Luskin’s lecture on intelligent design and law. Luskin explains why Discovery Institute opposes pushing intelligent design into public school curriculum and instead wants students to learn more about evolution.


How Supporters of Evolution Encourage Violations of the Establishment Clause

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin examines the double standard advocated by the evolution lobby in public schools. “Either a viewpoint is religious and unconstitutional to advocate as correct or critique as false in public schools, or it’s scientific and fair game for both advocacy and critique in public schools,” says Luskin.

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What Do Court Decisions Say About Teaching Evolution?

This episode of ID the Future features Casey Luskin interviewed by Kevin Wirth on the key legal cases involving teachers teaching evolution. What does the case law say about teachers’ rights and free speech?

Luskin, a lawyer with a science background, published a survey of case law in Hamline University Law Review to help the public understand what the courts have ruled on the topic of teaching origins.

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