ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

irreducible complexity


A Doctor Examines Some Intricate Control Systems Sustaining Your Life Right Now

On this episode of ID the Future, Ray Bohlin interviews Physician Howard Glicksman about a common cause of death, cardio-pulmonary arrest, using the subject as a doorway to explore some intricate, interdependent control systems that sustains life. Dr. Glicksman is a medical doctor and author of an extended series of posts at Evolution News & Science Today, “The Designed Body.”

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Our Irreducibly Complex Calcium Control System

On this episode of ID: The Future, Dr. Ray Bohlin interviews Dr. Howard Glicksman about the irreducible complexity of the human calcium control system. Glicksman is a medical doctor and author of an extended series of posts at Evolution News & Science Today called The Designed Body

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trial in the courtroom of the Russian Federation

A Revolutionary Look at the Dover Decision 11 Years Later

On this episode of ID the Future, enjoy an excerpt from Discovery Institute’s documentary Revolutionary. It’s been more than a decade since the judge handed down his decision in the Dover intelligent design trial. At the time the mainstream media told the world one story about the trial. Now Revolutionary tells the rest of the story – recounting Behe’s defense of the bacterial flagellum as an example of irreducible complexity, and criticisms of Judge Jones’ decision.


Twenty Years After Darwin’s Black Box: An Interview with Michael Behe

On this episode of ID the Future, Ray Bohlin interviews Michael Behe about irreducible complexity and evolution. Despite claims at the publishing of the book that in the coming years science would discover how molecular machines evolved, Behe notes that Darwinists have made no progress in explaining irreducible complexity.

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How Does the Eye Work? Geoffrey Simmons on Design in Vision

On this episode of ID the Future, Sarah Chaffee interviews physician Geoffrey Simmons about eyesight. Simmons discusses the sensitivity of the eyes and how we sense light, and explains how vision displays irreducible complexity.

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Green bacterium with flagella
Green bacterium with flagella microscopic view in fluid

ID Inquiry: Michael Behe Explains Irreducible Complexity

On this episode of ID the Future, hear the first episode of our new ID The Future segment ID Inquiry, in which ID scientists and scholars answer your questions about intelligent design and evolution. Ask your question by sending an email to, and tune in to this first episode as Dr. Michael Behe explains the concept of irreducible complexity and what it means for Darwinian evolution. ID Inquiry Inquiring minds want to know about intelligent design. We get a lot of new readers and listeners to Evolution News & Views and ID The Future. And, they have a lot of questions. Our longtime patrons also have questions. So, we’re starting a new segment for ID The Future called ID Inquiry. You can submit questions you have about intelligent design and evolution and any aspect of the overall debate and we’ll find ID scientists and scholars to answer them. Send your questions to


The Top 10 Problems with Darwinian Evolution, pt. 3

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his series discussing the top 10 problems with biological and chemical evolution. This series is based upon Casey Luskin’s chapter in the volume More than Myth, edited by Paul Brown and Robert Stackpole (Chartwell Press, 2014). In this segment, Casey discusses the third problem: that random mutations cannot generate the genetic information required for irreducibly complex structures.

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Dr. Winston Ewert: Irreducible Complexity Remains Unrefuted

On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with Dr. Winston Ewert about his article that was published recently in the journal BIO-Complexity. Dr. Ewert’s paper criticizes a number of computer programs that purport to show that irreducible complexity could result from random, unguided evolution. He finds that “The prediction of irreducible complexity in computer simulations is that such systems will not generally evolve apart from intelligent aid” and this prediction “has thus far stood the test in computer models.”


The Universe Next Door with Tom Woodward: Featuring Michael Behe

On this episode of ID the Future, Michael Behe is on The Universe Next Door with Tom Woodward to discuss his work that that presents a challenge to neo-Darwinian evolution, including his books Darwin’s Black Box and The Edge of Evolution. Behe explains his “irreducible complexity” concept, and also gives an overview of research by Richard Lenski that shows that random mutation is “like a bull in a china shop.”


Socrates in the City with Eric Metaxas and Stephen Meyer, pt. 2

On this episode of ID the Future, hear the second segment of an engaging discussion between acclaimed author Eric Metaxas and Dr. Stephen Meyer at Socrates in the City in New York. Dr. Meyer discusses backlash to the publication of his book Darwin’s Doubt and delves into key points of the positive scientific case for intelligent design, including irreducible complexity and the digital information in our DNA.

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