ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

John G. West


New Atheists, New Theistic Evolutionists, and Who Is Right?

This episode of ID the Future features CSC associate director John West interviewed by Anika Smith on the launch of the new website,, bringing clarity to the conversation between the new atheists such as Richard Dawkins and the new theistic evolutionists like Francis Collins. Is faith in God compatible with Darwinian evolution? Who is right, and why does it matter? Listen in, and learn more at

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Texas Board Hears From Scientists Who Favor Teaching Strengths and Weaknesses of Evolution

On this episode of ID the Future, John West reports on the Texas State Board of Education hearings where scientists, teachers and students gathered to testify before the Board. One side focused on touting their own religious beliefs and criticizing the religious beliefs of others, while the other side focused on science, education, and academic freedom. Listen to the testimony of scientists down in Texas and learn what the debate over how to teach evolution is really all about.

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The Curious Case of the Evolving Dr. Schafersman

Who’s really trying to dumb down how evolution is presented in schools today? This episode of ID the Future takes a look at the curious case of the evolving Dr. Steven Schafersman and what we can learn from it about current debates over teaching evolution. Listen in as CSC Associate Director John West traces the changing rhetoric of Dr. Schafersman of the misnomered “Texas Citizens for Better Science,” and the next time you hear a Darwinist claim that there are no scientific controversies over evolution, remember the case of the evolving Dr. Schafersman.

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A Darwinian Case for Capitalism?

This episode of ID the Future features an excerpt from a lecture by CSC Senior Fellow John West on Darwinism and capitalism. Most people associate “social Darwinism” with the ruthless capitalists of the Gilded Age, but West debunks that cultural icon, drawing the connection between Thomas Malthus and Darwin and examining the implications of zero-sum economics in Malthusian theory.

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Jefferson Memorial during the Cherry Blossom Festival
the Jefferson Memorial during the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC

Thomas Jefferson and Intelligent Design

Critics of intelligent design sometimes claim they are defending the principles of American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson in trying to ban discussions of intelligent design. In the words of one writer, “Thomas Jefferson makes it quite clear that there was not a consensus of support among the authors of the Constitution… to support theological doctrines such as intelligent design.” But would Thomas Jefferson himself agree? In this special July 4th edition of ID the Future, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow John West explores the real views of Jefferson on intelligent design.


Darwin Day Lecture: Proselytizing for Darwin’s God in the Classroom

For years supporters of Darwin’s theory claimed to oppose teaching religion in the nation’s science classrooms. But just in time for Darwin Day 2008, leading evolution proponents including the National Academy of Sciences, the Public Broadcasting Service, and the National Center for Science Education have been cynically promoting religious instruction in schools as a way of defusing opposition to Darwinian evolution. Dr. John West, author of Darwin Day in America, discusses Darwinists’ latest efforts to insert religion into the classroom. This event was filmed in front of a live audience on Feb. 6th, 2008 for broadcast on the web as part of the ID the Future Darwin Day broadcast on February 12th.


God, Science and Presidential Politics

CSC senior fellow and author of Darwin Day in America, Dr. John West, reports that to the dismay of many, religion is becoming one of the defining issues of the presidential election campaign. From the scrutiny of Mike Huckabee’s views about evolution and Mitt Romney’s Mormonism on the Republican side, to unseemly e-mails questioning the religious upbringing of Barack Obama among Democrats, religious faith is once again front and center in electoral politics.


The Dark Darwinian History of Eugenics

On this episode of ID the Future, John West takes a look at the eugenics movement of the early twentieth century and how it drew direct inspiration from Darwinian biology and the writings of Charles Darwin himself. The eugenics movement was no fringe effort, but was the view of mainstream science and espoused by those at Harvard, Princeton, and the National Academy of Science. For more, visit the website of Dr. West’s new book, Darwin Day in America.


Darwinian Hiring Practices?

On this episode of ID The Future CSC’s Dr. West explores how early 20th century Darwinists encouraged employee selection be based on natural selection. He explains how even skin color, nose size and digestive system could help employers understand potential employees moral stature and working capabilities. For more visit the website for Dr. West’s new book Darwin Day in America.


Meet The Materialists: Clarence Darrow

Perhaps the most celebrated defense attorney in the first half of the twentieth century, Clarence Darrow is best known for his role at the Scopes “monkey trial” in the 1920s. But he also was an early champion of the idea that criminals should not be held responsible for their crimes. On this episode of ID The Future, CSC’s John West explores Darrow’s worldview of deterministic materialism.

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