ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

Episodes | Page 242


Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design: Interview with Jonathan Wells

Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design By Jonathan Wells Publisher: Regnery Publishing Senior Italian geneticist Giuseppe Sermonti has called Darwinism the “politically correct of science,” — that is, something that is held not because it is true but rather because of peer-pressure. Thus, Discovery Senior Fellow Jonathan Wells’ new book “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design” is aptly named because it ignores this peer-pressure to expose the weaknesses in the evidence for Darwinism with both humorous anecdotes and illuminating explanations of the most common sources of confusion.


Darwinism, Design, and Public Education

Darwinism, Design, and Public Education Edited By: John Angus Campbell and Stephen C. Meyer Publisher: Michigan State University Press This podcast provides a short review of this balanced volume which contains essays by both supporters and critics debating intelligent design and whether design should be allowed in public school science classes. The scholars approach the question from the standpoints of constitutional law, philosophy, rhetoric, education, and science. Visit the website at


Mainstream Media Continues to Miss the Point and Confuse the Public

An recent editorial in the Washington Post, “Nothing Wrong With Kansas”, contains many inaccurate statements about the Kansas Science Standards and intelligent design. It is not unlike a host of other ill-informed and misleading articles in the mainstream media. They have made the debate over whether or not students will be allowed to learn about both the evidence for and against evolution, into a battle over whether or not to teach intelligent design, a completely separate issue.

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Forced Exit: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and the New Duty To Die

With proponents of assisted suicide achieving more than anyone imagined possible even ten years ago Discovery Institute is proud to announce that Spence Publishing has recently released a revised and updated version of Forced Exit: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and the New Duty To Die by nationally acclaimed bioethicist and senior fellow Wesley J. Smith. This week we offer a short review of the book.

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Only Science in the Science Classroom

Some Darwinists have sometimes argued that if ID were taught in schools, then that would risk opening the science classroom to a floodgate of religious ideas about origins, wreaking havoc upon the classroom and turning it into a platform for religious proseltyzation.

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Who Should Define Intelligent Design, ID Theorists or Their Critics?

It is common that critics of intelligent design misrepresent the nature of intelligent design in order to make it sound unscientific, unconstitutional, and unpalatable to scientists and the public. In the Kitzmiller vs Dover court case last year, Judge Jones even adopted the critics’ false version of intelligent design rather than letting the proponents of ID stake out their own theory, and speak for themselves. This podcast looks at two recent misrepresentations in the media made by ID-critics involved on the legal side of this debate.


Defining Science: An Interview with Biologist Jonathan Wells

What is science? We ask biologist Dr. Jonathan Wells in this episode of IDTF. Dr. Wells researched and wrote a lengthy report on the definition of science used by every state in the country, which was published by Discovery Institute. Now, as critics attack the definition being used in the Kansas state science standards, Dr. Wells explains what science is, what a proper definition of science is, and why Kansas is now in-line with every other state in the nation. Click here to read more about the Kansas definition of science.


Why Do Students Reject Evolution? It’s the Science!

Despite the Darwinist community’s long-standing campaign to help the public come to the “correct” view that “evolution and religion are compatible,” public skepticism of evolution remains high. (See this link for documentation.) This would logically lead one to the conclusion that there are other factors besides religion that drive skepticism of evolution. Perhaps, one might even suggest, for many people the issue has a lot to do with science!

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A Kansas Teacher Stands Up For Science

As you may know, last year the Kansas State Board of Education revised the state’s science standards to encourage the teaching of scientific evidence that both favors and presents the limitations of Darwin’s theory.

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The Difference Between Teaching Criticisms of Evolution and Teaching Intelligent Design

Critical Analysis of Evolution is Not the Same as Teaching Intelligent Design A favorite Darwinist conspiracy theory is to claim that education policies requiring critical analysis of evolution are simply a guise for teaching intelligent design (ID). Right now anti-science groups in Kansas are claiming that the state’s new science standards are pushing intelligent design. If you agree that children should be fully informed about evolution, join with like-minded citizens and stand up in support of the Kansas state science standards. Go to and sign the petition today The Kansas science standards do not include intelligent design. In spreading this falsehood, opponents of the standards ignore the following clear statement by the Kansas Board of Education in the standards. “We also emphasize that the Science Curriculum Standards do not include Intelligent Design….” (emphasis added) Which part of “do not include Intelligent Design” can’t opponents of the standards understand? In this podcast Casey Luskin highlights five simple reasons why teaching critical analysis of evolution is very different from teaching about intelligent design. Click here to download a short FAQ about critical analysis of evolution. Questions? E-mail us at