ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

scientific suppression

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How to Combat Censorship in Science

Scientific censorship is on the rise. Governments are colluding with Big Tech to suppress unfavorable ideas. De-platforming and dismissal campaigns are all the rage. How do we prevent our society from slouching towards totalitarianism? On this ID The Future, host Casey Luskin welcomes science writer and journalist Denyse O'Leary to discuss today's forms of censorship, how it affects the intelligent design community, and most importantly, what we can do about it. Read More ›
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Cancelled planning, appointment, schedule, meeting concept. Business planning cancelled with blank calendar, pen and cancelled rubber stamp on black background.

Herman Bouma: “It Was Like the Darwinian Gestapo”

On this episode of ID the Future, attorney Herman Bouma tells the story of how his talk at a National Association of Science Teachers conference last April was canceled at the last minute. His talk highlighted how Darwin’s Origin of Species (sixth edition) set an example of engaging his scientific critics with civility and reason. Bouma says in response to the incident, “It’s almost as if they considered Darwin a threat to Darwinian evolution.” Three conference officials shut him down, accusing him of promoting fake science. As Bouma notes, Darwin wrote that “I look with confidence to the future, to young and rising naturalists, who will be able to view both sides of the question with impartiality.” Alas, Darwin’s example Read More ›


Wikipedia Throws Günter Bechly Down the Orwellian Memory Hole

On this episode of ID The Future, Robert Crowther talks with paleontologist Dr. Günter Bechly about his entry on Wikipedia which was created in 2012 and suspiciously disappeared in 2015 when he started supporting Intelligent Design. An eminent paleontologist, Bechly was curator of the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart, Germany and had numerous species as well as even a family named after him, a high honor in the field. Crowther and Bechly go over the specious reasons given by Wikipedia for Bechly’s deletion, revealing the ideological and authoritarian nature of some the editors at Wikipedia.


NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge, Part 3

On this episode of ID the Future, we continue with the story of David Coppedge. A long-time employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, Coppedge had his world upended when his supervisor discovered his support for intelligent design. Now, Coppedge goes on the record to tell his side of the story. So settle in for the final episode of NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge.

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NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge, Part 2

On this episode of ID the Future, we continue with the story of David Coppedge. A long-time employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, Coppedge had his world upended when his supervisor discovered his support for intelligent design. Now, Coppedge goes on the record to tell his side of the story. So settle in for NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge, Part 2.

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NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge, Part 1

On this and future episodes of ID the Future, we tell what happened to David Coppedge, a long-time employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in Southern California. Coppedge had his world turned upside down when his supervisor discovered his support for intelligent design. Now, Coppedge goes on the record to reveal the details of his story. So get ready to listen as we explore NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge, Part 1.

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NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab Goes to Trial in Anti-ID Discrimination Case

On this episode of ID The Future, host David Boze interviews Joshua Youngkin, a legal affairs analyst at the Discovery Institute, about new developments in the case of David Coppedge, a former employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, who was demoted and later fired for discussing intelligent design. Youngkin provides background on Coppedge’s tenure at JPL and gives insight into the legal basis for the discrimination lawsuit that will now go before a jury trial. “This is a case that comes under the Fair Employment and Housing Act. It bars employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of their viewpoint…” Make your voice heard! Visit our David Coppedge Case Information page to get more info, the latest updates, and Read More ›


NASA’s JPL Fires Cassini Mission Admin Who Filed Discrimination Lawsuit

This episode of ID the Future features a special report on the academic freedom case of David Coppedge, who was fired last week by NASA’s JPL after filing a discrimination lawsuit. Coppedge was targeted by his employer for his views on intelligent design.

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The Real Story of How Caroline Crocker Was Expelled from George Mason University

Are scientists free to think and follow the evidence wherever it leads? On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Caroline Crocker, president of the American Institute for Technology and Science Education and author of Free to Think: Why Scientific Integrity Matters. Dr. Crocker was famously expelled from her job at George Mason University. Listen in as she shares stories about her inspiring student and reveals details in her case for the first time. For more information on Dr. Crocker’s case, visit NCSE Exposed.


ID The Future: Coppedge Meets Kafka

This episode of ID the Future features a special commentary from Discovery Institute’s David Klinghoffer about Jet Propulsion Laboratory employee David Coppedge’s discrimination lawsuit against his employers. Coppedge is suing his employers for discrimination after being demoted for talking about intelligent design on the job.

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