ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

National Center for Science Education (NCSE)

survey form

NCSE Pushes Unscientific Pro-Darwin Survey

On this episode of ID the Future, Robert Crowther interviews Sarah Chaffee, Education and Public Policy Program Officer for the Center for Science and Culture, on a recent survey conducted by the dogmatically pro-Darwin National Center for Science Education (NCSE), and published in Nature. The NCSE claims that the survey shows that science teachers “advocate evolution” even more now than in 2007. But as Crowther and Chaffe’s discussion suggests, the survey appears gamed to produce a pro-Darwinist outcome, so much so that even teachers who follow the Discovery Institute’s policy of promoting critical thinking skills by teaching biology students both the strengths and weaknesses of modern evolutionary theory could be counted as evolution advocates by the survey. Then too, as Read More ›

Unravelling fern frond closeup, one of New Zealand symbols.

Michael Flannery on the Unraveling of the Darwinian Paradigm

On this episode of ID the Future, host Mike Keas speaks with science historian Michael Flannery about Darwinism, Past, Present, and Future, in which Flannery wonders about an L.A. Times op-ed by Ann Reid, director of the pro-Darwinism lobby group The National Center for Science Education.

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Fordham Institute Supports the Latest Texas Science Education Standards

On this episode of ID the Future, host David Boze and Casey Luskin discuss the 2012 Fordham Report, which has declared the latest science education standards in Texas to be “exemplary.” These standards, which have been decried by the NCSE as “creationist jargon,” require students to analyze and evaluate both the strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian evolution. Although the Fordham Report is typically favorable towards science standards that are dogmatically pro-Darwin, its approval of the recent Texas science standards aligns with the Discovery Institute’s support of a more thorough study of Darwinian evolution.

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Peer-Reviewed Scientific Literature Building a Compelling Case for ID

On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin puts to rest once and for all the common assertion by opponents of intelligent design that there are no scientific papers supporting the claims of ID. This wasn’t true in 2005 when Eugenie Scott of the NCSE stated it on MSNBC and it certainly isn’t true six years later. Luskin discusses the most recent scientific paper, by Stephen Meyer and Paul Nelson, and talks about the importance of the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “These papers collectively make a case that intelligent causation is necessary to produce the sort of biological complexity that we are discovering in the cell today.”

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An Arsenal of Smoking Guns in the Martin Gaskell Academic Freedom Case

This special academic freedom edition of ID the Future features an interview with Frank Manion, senior counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, who represented astronomer Martin Gaskell in a recent lawsuit against the University of Kentucky (UK). By all appearances, UK denied Dr. Gaskell a job because of his perceived views on evolution and religious beliefs. Mr. Manion sheds light on what is an unfortunately common procedure in academia. Listen in as Mr. Manion shares revealing details in the case, including a flip-flop from NCSE’s Eugenie Scott.

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The Real Story of How Caroline Crocker Was Expelled from George Mason University

Are scientists free to think and follow the evidence wherever it leads? On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Caroline Crocker, president of the American Institute for Technology and Science Education and author of Free to Think: Why Scientific Integrity Matters. Dr. Crocker was famously expelled from her job at George Mason University. Listen in as she shares stories about her inspiring student and reveals details in her case for the first time. For more information on Dr. Crocker’s case, visit NCSE Exposed.