ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast

irreducible complexity

Woman locking bicycle with combination lock

Why Evolution’s Selection/Mutation Mechanism Fails

What part of neo-Darwinian evolution is actually random? Can random mutational processes account for the new information needed to drive the diversity of life on Earth? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid reads selections from Dr. Stephen Meyer and Dr. Casey Luskin to find answers to these questions. If you want the confidence to be able to tell your friends, family, and associates why modern evolutionary theory fails to account for the origin and diversity of life on Earth, you’ve got to, as Michael Behe says, “bite the bullet of complexity” and learn why evolution’s selection/mutation mechanism fails to deliver the goods. This commentary reviews a key tenet of the evolutionary perspective and shows why it weakens the argument for a naturalistic explanation for life on Earth. Read More ›
Cell Division Stages of Mitosis

McLatchie: Why Cell Division Challenges Darwinism

One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication. But can a Darwinian mechanism take the credit for the origin and design of the cell division process? On this episode of ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid concludes a four-part series with Dr. Jonathan McLatchie on the intelligent design and irreducible complexity of eukaryotic cell division. In his recent paper on eukaryotic cell division, Dr. McLatchie quotes a Latin expression Darwin uses in his famous book On The Origin of Species to describe natural selection: natura non facit saltus: nature does not make jumps. That’s the built-in limitation of Darwinian processes: by default they are stepwise and gradual. And of course, Darwin himself acknowledged this Read More ›

Panther chameleon on a tree branch

How Animal Complexity Challenges Evolution

Does animal complexity suggest a Darwinian origin, or is it evidence of intelligent design? On this ID The Future, host Casey Luskin begins a two-part conversation with Dr. Uditha Jayatunga, a medical doctor and consultant in rehabilitation medicine in the UK, about the challenges that biological complexity poses to evolutionary theory. Part 1 of the conversation covers the complexity of cells, the need for the simultaneous origin of complex systems, and some fascinating examples of design and complexity from the animal world. Read More ›
3d illustration of colorful cell division, cell membrane and splitting nucleus

McLatchie: Intelligent Design in the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle

On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid begins a short series with Dr. Jonathan McLatchie delving into the remarkable design and irreducible complexity of the eukaryotic cell cycle. The pair review the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, the phases involved in eukaryotic cell division, and the concept of irreducible complexity. They explore how various components of the cell division process, such as kinetochores and microtubules, are essential for successful mitosis and why these systems are more likely the product of intelligent design rather than an unguided evolutionary process. Read More ›
Horse Jumping, Equestrian Sports, Show Jumping themed photo.
Photo by Marcin Kilarski/Wirestock on Adobe Stock

How Animal Joints Challenge Evolutionary Pathways

Dr. Stuart Burgess has been studying the arrangement, design, and shape of vertebrate limbs and joints for years. He shares what he learns with engineers working in the field of biomechanics. On this ID The Future, Dr. Burgess discusses his new paper on multi-functioning animal joints with host Dr. Brian Miller. Read More ›
Man in field with question mark

The Imploding of an Atheist Professor’s Worldview

For 25 years, Dr. John D. Wise considered Darwinian evolution the most plausible explanation for life's origin and development. But as he studied the latest evidence in molecular biology, genetics, astronomy, and other fields, he began to realize that modern science was confirming many of the predictions and arguments of intelligent design. On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid talks with professor and author Dr. John D. Wise about his surprising journey from atheism to Christianity. Read More ›
IDTF 1929 Eric Hedin and McDiarmid ID of Sleep Part 2 Post Image (Eva Gonzales Sleep Painting Public Domain)
Image Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Sleeping and Waking: A Designer’s Gift

Are we to credit an unguided evolutionary process for the gift of sleeping and waking? Or are these intricate systems further evidence of design? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid concludes his conversation with Dr. Eric Hedin on the intelligent design of sleep. In Part 2, the pair dig deeper into the purpose of sleep and why it’s so essential to living organisms. They also look at why it’s unlikely that a gradual Darwinian process can be credited for the origin of sleeping and waking, and why intelligent design is a better explanation. This is Part 2 of a two-part discussion. Read More ›
Image licensed from Adobe Stock

Eric Hedin on the Intelligent Design of Sleep

We’re asleep an average of about 26 years of our life! Most people have a sense that sleep is important, but many of us aren't sure exactly why. Why is sleep so crucial to survival? And how did the processes of sleep emerge in living things? Could a gradual Darwinian process be responsible, or are the systems involved another instance of intelligent design? On this episode, host Andrew McDiarmid begins a conversation with Dr. Eric Hedin about the origin and intelligent design of sleep. This is Part 1 of a two-part conversation. Look for Part 2 next! Read More ›
An electron microscopy image of a cell membrane attached to a bacterial cell wall highlighting the important role of the cell wall .
Image licensed from Adobe Stock

The Irreducible Complexity Found in Bacterial Cell Division

Ready to dip a toe in the ocean of biological ingenuity? Dr. Jonathan McLatchie is back, this time to discuss with host Andrew McDiarmid the engineering elegance and irreducible complexity of the process of bacterial cell division. You may wonder why we should care about something so minuscule as bacterial cells. After all, something so insignificant and unseen has little bearing on our daily lives. But if we've learned anything in the biological revolution of the 20th century, it's that consequential things often come in very small packages. And if even the simplest forms of life exhibit stunning complexity and engineering prowess, all the more do we! And that complexity and design demands an adequate explanation. Here, McLatchie describes the remarkable process of cell wall breakage and re-synthesis that allows cell division to take place and explains why it's a big problem for Darwinian evolution. Read More ›
Flagellar_Motor_Assembly (Creative Commons 4.0 License, made by user PKS615)
Image via Wikimedia Commons, made by user PKS615, Creative Commons 4.0 license.

The Bacterial Flagellum: A Marvel of Nanotechnology

It's one of the rock stars of intelligent design. ID theorists make a fuss over it and rightly so. But even non-ID scientists admit to getting an "awe-inspiring feeling" from the "divine beauty" of the humble bacterial flagellar motor. And why not? It's a marvel of engineering that originated long before human engineering existed. On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid asks Dr. Jonathan McLatchie to remind us why this tiny nano-machine is such a big deal. Read More ›