ID the Future Intelligent Design, Evolution, and Science Podcast


silhouette of a couple sitting on top of a hill looking at the stars over the city, back view

Faith, Reason, and the Search for Truth: Stephen Meyer and Michael Shermer

What's the best explanation for the origin of complex life? And while skepticism is healthy, can perpetual skepticism prevent us from moving closer to the truth? On this ID The Future, enjoy the second half of a stimulating conversation between philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer and historian of science and Skeptic Magazine founding editor Michael Shermer. The conversation was hosted by comedian and podcaster Bryan Callen on The Bryan Callen Show. In Part 2, Meyer and Shermer both address where they think complex life comes from. They also discuss the mind-body problem and debate the merits of skepticism. This is Part 2 of a two-part conversation. We're grateful to the producers of The Bryan Callen Show for permission to share this exchange on ID The Future! Read More ›
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Image courtesy The Bryan Callen Show. Used with permission.

Can Science Find God? Stephen Meyer vs. Michael Shermer

Humans seem to be drawn in a certain direction toward truth and beauty. Is that an accident of nature? Or is there a higher truth prompting it? On this ID The Future, we're pleased to share the first half of an engaging conversation between philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer and historian of science Michael Shermer about science, God, the origin of information, and the nature of mind. The conversation was hosted by comedian and podcaster Bryan Callen on The Bryan Callen Show. In Part 1, Meyer and Shermer discuss arguments for design, the Big Bang, the origin of information, and the role of mind in the universe. This is Part 1 of a two-part interview. Look for Part 2 in a separate episode of ID The Future. We're grateful to the producers of The Bryan Callen Show for permission to share this conversation on ID The Future! Read More ›
IDTF 2017 Casey Luskin on Darwin Day and Current Status of Darwinism Post Graphic
Charles Robert Darwin by John Collier, 1883. Public Domain,

How to Celebrate Darwin Day When “Modern Darwinism is Broken”

Happy Darwin Day! But what's the current status of Darwinism? And if modern Darwinism is broken, what's the best way to commemorate Darwin's life and achievements? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid welcomes Dr. Casey Luskin to give us answers to those questions. On this episode, Dr. Luskin reviews the current status of Darwinism, gives us an impressive sampling of the evidence for intelligent design, and instructs us on the most appropriate way to mark Darwin Day today. Read More ›
IDTF 2016 John West Stockholm Syndrome Reading - Evangelizing For Darwin Post Graphic
Remixed from an original image by Ezio Gutzemberg / licensed through Adobe Stock.

Evangelizing For Darwin: Dr. John West Reads From Stockholm Syndrome Christianity

Why do so many evangelical Christians reinvent their theology to make it consistent with undirected Darwinism? On this ID The Future, Dr. John West reads an excerpt from his new book Stockholm Syndrome Christianity: Why Christian Leaders Are Failing And What We Can Do About It. As Exhibit A of an influential evangelical Christian that has been captivated by scientific materialism, West unpacks the work and troubled legacy of Dr. Francis Collins. During his tenure as director of the National Institutes of Health, Collins has led a years-long crusade to de-legitimize fellow Christian scientists, scholars, and laypeople who are supportive of intelligent design or skeptical of Darwinian evolution. This effort to reduce the range of voices allowed to pursue truth in science has confused many people and retarded scientific progress at precisely the time America should be taking the lead in scientific research and discovery. Listen to this compelling excerpt and then read the book! Read More ›
Wolf in a flock of sheep with wool clothing. Wolf pretending to be a sheep concept.

How Stockholm Syndrome Christianity Hinders Scientific Progress

When Christians in science embrace scientific materialism over historical biblical teaching, they mislead their fellow believers and hinder scientific progress. On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid concludes a two-part conversation about this problem with Dr. John West, author of the new book Stockholm Syndrome Christianity: Why Christian Leaders Are Failing and What We Can Do About It. In Part 2, Dr. West describes three biblical beliefs that have been corroded by theistic evolution. He discusses the flawed theology and troubled legacy of Dr. Francis Collins. He also stresses the importance of disagreement and open debate in science. This is Part 2 of a two-part conversation. Read More ›
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When Christians in Science Embrace Scientific Materialism

What if American culture isn’t collapsing because of crusading secularists? What if it’s failing because leading Christians identify more with secular elites than with their fellow believers? Those are the provocative questions posed by Dr. John West's new book Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, which exposes how influential Christian leaders are siding with their anti-Christian cultural captors on everything from biblical authority and science to sex, race, and religious liberty. On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid begins a two-part conversation with Dr. West unpacking examples of how Stockholm Syndrome Christianity is harming the scientific enterprise and what can be done to repair the damage. In Part 1, West explains how Francis Collins, one of the most celebrated evangelical Christian scientists in America, has fallen prey to Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. Read More ›
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Why Evolution’s Selection/Mutation Mechanism Fails

What part of neo-Darwinian evolution is actually random? Can random mutational processes account for the new information needed to drive the diversity of life on Earth? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid reads selections from Dr. Stephen Meyer and Dr. Casey Luskin to find answers to these questions. If you want the confidence to be able to tell your friends, family, and associates why modern evolutionary theory fails to account for the origin and diversity of life on Earth, you’ve got to, as Michael Behe says, “bite the bullet of complexity” and learn why evolution’s selection/mutation mechanism fails to deliver the goods. This commentary reviews a key tenet of the evolutionary perspective and shows why it weakens the argument for a naturalistic explanation for life on Earth. Read More ›
Cell Division Stages of Mitosis

McLatchie: Why Cell Division Challenges Darwinism

One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication. But can a Darwinian mechanism take the credit for the origin and design of the cell division process? On this episode of ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid concludes a four-part series with Dr. Jonathan McLatchie on the intelligent design and irreducible complexity of eukaryotic cell division. In his recent paper on eukaryotic cell division, Dr. McLatchie quotes a Latin expression Darwin uses in his famous book On The Origin of Species to describe natural selection: natura non facit saltus: nature does not make jumps. That’s the built-in limitation of Darwinian processes: by default they are stepwise and gradual. And of course, Darwin himself acknowledged this Read More ›

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McLatchie: How Motor Proteins Power Eukaryotic Cell Division

Could the components of the eukaryotic cell division process have arisen through a gradual, unguided process? On this ID The Future, Dr. Jonathan McLatchie casts light on the unlikelihood of this proposition as he continues a four-episode series with host Andrew McDiarmid on the intelligent design and irreducible complexity of eukaryotic cell division. In this segment, McLatchie dives into some of the key molecular machinery responsible for the success of mitosis: the mitotic spindle and the motor proteins that aid in its assembly and function, explaining why their origin is beyond the reach of a Darwinian process. Read More ›
Planet earth planet in deep space against blue nebula and glowing hot sun. Night view from the orbit of the planet with cities lights and distant sun. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

Why The Multiverse Fails: More With Elie Feder and Aaron Zimmer

If a grand multiverse contains everything that’s possible, it ends up explaining nothing. On this ID The Future, physicist Brian Miller concludes his conversation with mathematician Elie Feder and physicist Aaron Zimmer, hosts of the Physics to God podcast, about their unique formulation of the fine-tuning argument and their rigorous examination of the multiverse hypothesis. In Part 2, Feder and Zimmer explain in detail three premises they use to critically evaluate the strength of multiverse theories. They contend that if a multiverse model posits infinite universes, each with their own different laws of nature, it’s a naive multiverse that hasn’t solved the fine-tuning problem. To properly evaluate multiverse proposals, a third premise is needed: one that can explain the typicality Read More ›