A Catholic Case for Intelligent Design
The Incompatibility of Evolution and Design
Designed Evolution? The Evidence Isn’t There
Brian Miller on the Limits of Protein Evolution
The Scientific Problems with Kojonen’s Theistic Evolution Model
Design-Assisted Evolution: A Response to Rope Kojonen
Stephen Meyer: Evidence of Mind in The Natural World
How Modern Science Strengthens the Claims of Theism
Casey Luskin on Why He Favors ID over Theistic Evolution
Today’s ID the Future continues intelligent design theorist Casey Luskin’s conversation with Apologetics 315 podcast hosts Brian Auten and Chad Gross. Here in Part 2, Luskin give a peek behind the scenes of ID 3.0, the current research program inspired by the intelligent design framework. Luskin is then asked to explain his reservations about theistic evolution, and Luskin points out the evidential, rhetorical, and logical problems he sees with the brand of theistic evolution advocated by Francis Collins and Biologos. What about the future of the intelligent design movement? Luskin says he’s optimistic, both because of the exciting research and publication breakthroughs of late, and because of the many converts he’s seeing to the ID framework. According to Luskin, many of these Read More ›